Am interested in joining the Tomball Gun Club. Where do I go for information about this?
D dianeb2980 Guest Aug 14, 2011 #1 Am interested in joining the Tomball Gun Club. Where do I go for information about this?
G gt40 Guest Aug 15, 2011 #2 This is what I came up with when I Googled: gt40 Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2011
P P1ZombieKiller Aug 15, 2011 #3 Good luck...I heard there is a huge waiting list.
Vern Morethan1waytoskinacat Aug 15, 2011 #4 If you are in that area I would suggest contacting Jackie Schmidt. He can tell you about Tom Ball and probably what the other alternatives are as well.
If you are in that area I would suggest contacting Jackie Schmidt. He can tell you about Tom Ball and probably what the other alternatives are as well.