interarms/cz mark x 7x57 trigger/cocking pc issue


mike in co

i have the above rifle. i obtained it with a stripped bolt and no trigger.
i added a bold trigger( no safety), assembeled the bolt with 98 mauser parts plus a low scope safety.
gun has issues.
1)safety will not engage....cocking does not move the cocking pc back far enough to engage.
2)will not cock on bolt lift, must open bolt and close to cock.
3) there is a drag over the trigger as the bolt open, that actually sounds / feels like it is caught on something(and there does not appear to be anything to catch on)

when closing the bolt, an raised amount of effort is required on the last 3/4-1" of forward movement.

quite open to suggestions.......


mike in co
thanks appears to be down right now. i'll check again later.

mike in co
second time:
yes i don't know whatwas wrong but could not get in anywhere, but it is up now, and i posted the same over there
thanks again.
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