Interapid test indicator



My 312B-15 just came in the mail and i have a question. I want to say the point is supposed to be able to rotate like 90deg but nothing is mentioned in the paperwork. I just dont want to snap the indicator in half on the first day:p.
Push on it too hard and see what happens..

It moves too far and breaks. Mine measures in tenths and does not move "too much". I think over 90 degrees would be too much.

Butch how much is Interapid paying you under the table? Hope you are getting a chuckle too.

not travel

Ive only used a test indicator once:rolleyes: and i did not have to reset the tip. Ive seen another machinist at school who moved the probe on his test indicator. I want to say he uses a B&S with indents. Anyways i got my new interapid and i did not want to horse on it, so i went into the machining class im taking and tried it on their indicators:D which are REALLY beat up. So with the tip on my indicator it has to be bent 90deg to fit in the box. It seemed tight and i did not want to force it. But i got, it bends so im good to go. It has .060 travel not 3";). I got mine brand spanking new from ebay for $160, the seller even threw in some probes and mounts.