Shelley's work was definitely ground breaking but I think the concept of the Free Float Tube is the next step. Getting everything square with the TT [ Tinker Toy ] was probably a bit tedious and there were more individual but related parts. With the FFT set up getting the rec and forend in the correct plane will be simple.
If a person wants to experiment with bbl indexing the FFT design would make it pretty simple. Make the forend nearly as long as the bbl and leave it square [ don't mill off the top surface iow ]. Attach some Davidson blank scope base to the top of the forend for mounting the scope. Leave off the buttstock and make up some sort of buttplate right at the back of the rec.
By using two front rests, one at the front of the forend and one just in front of the rec you will be able to shoot the set up pretty accurately. Then you loosen the pinch bolt, rotate the action and bbl 90 degrees, tighten the pinch bolt and shoot the next group.