I'm researching my grandfather's shooting and dog training history and am hoping some folks can help me with either first hand information or other sources. His name was Dr. Albert G. Parker, generally called Doc Parker. He lived in Elizabeth, PA but worked primarily out of Pittsburgh as an eye doctor.
He had a lot of trophies and patches and ribbons but most have been lost over the years since he died. I have found a few patches and one trophy and am trying to branch out from that starting point. Unfortunately in this case, he wasn't much for talking about himself much less bragging. All the stories I got told as a child were just funny or special events, usually involving other folks not him. He may have been a bit different outside the family, I know he certainly had an interesting social life outside his family, but a lot of that was learned after his death.
What I have now is the following:
The results and patch from the 1961 National Championship at Reed's Run where he placed 2nd in the Light Varmint class.
Patch for placing 6th in 1959 National Championship (no class listed but I gather from my research that there were no distinct classes at that point) at Pine Tree Rifle Club.
NBRSA Championship Aggregate Top Twenty badges for 1958 and 60
A 5"x4" Stool Shooter's NBRSA patch
It's kind of odd, but I guess since no one else in the family is particularly interested in the shooting sports the rest just wasn't considered that important to hang onto, even as part of the family history. I'm hoping to compile as much as possible and preserve it.
Please, even if all you have is a little personal information I'd appreciate it.
I'm researching my grandfather's shooting and dog training history and am hoping some folks can help me with either first hand information or other sources. His name was Dr. Albert G. Parker, generally called Doc Parker. He lived in Elizabeth, PA but worked primarily out of Pittsburgh as an eye doctor.
He had a lot of trophies and patches and ribbons but most have been lost over the years since he died. I have found a few patches and one trophy and am trying to branch out from that starting point. Unfortunately in this case, he wasn't much for talking about himself much less bragging. All the stories I got told as a child were just funny or special events, usually involving other folks not him. He may have been a bit different outside the family, I know he certainly had an interesting social life outside his family, but a lot of that was learned after his death.
What I have now is the following:
The results and patch from the 1961 National Championship at Reed's Run where he placed 2nd in the Light Varmint class.
Patch for placing 6th in 1959 National Championship (no class listed but I gather from my research that there were no distinct classes at that point) at Pine Tree Rifle Club.
NBRSA Championship Aggregate Top Twenty badges for 1958 and 60
A 5"x4" Stool Shooter's NBRSA patch
It's kind of odd, but I guess since no one else in the family is particularly interested in the shooting sports the rest just wasn't considered that important to hang onto, even as part of the family history. I'm hoping to compile as much as possible and preserve it.
Please, even if all you have is a little personal information I'd appreciate it.