Indoor matches coming soon at Salem



A few of us got together at the Salem range this morning and did something we've been planning for months. We now have room for at least 4, maybe 5 indoor benches at Salem for 25yard matches. We still have to build the benches and find a free date at the club but we are looking forward to finally being able to invite folks to come shoot indoors with us. I know, just in time for Spring, right? :rolleyes: We'll try to get at least one indoor match in before we move outdoors and will try to set it up so that we have a match every month next winter.
Here's a cell phone pic of the results of today's labor. Still need to put fold down doors on each side:
Indoor BR Salem.jpg
Looks good Todd. Hopefully I'll be able to make a few matches.

That's Great!

Will make as many matches as I can.

Looks great!

A few of us got together at the Salem range this morning and did something we've been planning for months. We now have room for at least 4, maybe 5 indoor benches at Salem for 25yard matches. We still have to build the benches and find a free date at the club but we are looking forward to finally being able to invite folks to come shoot indoors with us. I know, just in time for Spring, right? :rolleyes: We'll try to get at least one indoor match in before we move outdoors and will try to set it up so that we have a match every month next winter.
Here's a cell phone pic of the results of today's labor. Still need to put fold down doors on each side:
View attachment 13615

Maybe you could post some more photos later.
More Pics

Here are a couple of pics of the new setup with the benches I whipped up Fri. after work. I have $50 in material and 2 hours of labor into them and will make two more next weekend so we'll have 4 matching benches with a 5th we can cram into the doorway in a pinch.
IMG_1318 (Large).jpg
IMG_1319 (Large).jpg
Check out Pete's new reflective front and rear bag ears. I'm not sure what that stuff is, but it's super slick!
I might try to put together a match for April 7th if I can get the FT course cleaned out before then.
Looking Good!

Will miss your first shoot as will be in Texas most of April, Plan to be back for PM on the 20 th.

If Pete's bags are also glowing a kind of bright fluorescent green I'd suggest you stay the Hell away from there, or for that matter, anywhere within several miles.
