Indoor Match at Piney Hill this week end



Don't forget the match at Piney Hill this week end. 3# gun followed by Unlimited.
Thanks Sam. I flat forgot to put it up. As Sam said, three gun on Saturday March 17 at 9 AM, UL 3 target match after lunch.And next weekend is the indoor sporter nats on Friday and 3 gun indoor nats on Saturday and Sunday. bob
This was my first benchrest match.

The first thing I noticed was the world class/super high-end equipment everyone was using. I knew my Savage target rifle and jack-screw rest would be no match. I decided to press on preparing myself for the finger pointing and snickering I would have to endure. Turns out there was none. Very friendly and helpful folk.

I discovered that last weekends sight-in was completely lost for reasons unknown. After much crying and sobbing, Bob bore sighted my rifle so I could at least hit the paper. There were many offers to borrow rifle from their owners, but I turned them down. Again, very friendly and helpful folk. Besides my own score, the lowest I saw I believe, 245. Wow. Next time, I will ask someone to use their rifle just to see what it's like to shoot a precision firearm!

In the meantime, I'm going to locate a barrel tuner, Eley ammo, lighten the trigger, and try to improve my technique. The goal being to break the 240 point barrier. Start saving for an Anschutz too.

Thanks all!
Hi Slick,
You are not likely to hear any snickering. We all started the same way. I started with a CZ and then a Kimber and an old Anshutz. Almost all of the people that you meet in rimfire are great. They will help you to learn. We have been there. Come the the big shoot this next weekend. You can learn a bunch.
Slick: Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. We enjoyed having you join us.

What you experienced Saturday is the norm in rim fire bench rest, not the exception. We are just being selfish. We need growth in the sport to continue to have folks to compete with. Welcome aboard! Did you notice the gal shooting on bench 215 in the morning? It was her first time too. bob
Slick. Still facinated that a scope could be that far off. Wow. And by the way I shot a 241 13x, I still have a lot to learn, but if I didn't it wouldn't be any fun. :) Like Pepper said, we have all be there so we don't laugh.
Slick: As stated many times, You just Wont find a better group of people. And btw. I started out with a rifle same as yours. "everyone has to start somewhere" now you know. Those High Scores.................they dont come easy, or cheap. This past weekend's match was my first indoor match, MAN, Let me tell you..........indoor shooting, not what I expected! Illl shoot in high wind Anyday!!!! at least you can read that. That turkey house,....It's Crazy man! Takes a real shooter to do well there. All in all, A great time in the beautifull state of Virginia. Many thank's to Bill H, His lovely wife, Bob F. And all there for showing this Yankee a real good time,Ill be back!! Ed Longo.
I think all clubs should have a couple of "Shoot what you got" matches every season. It needs to be highly publicized and each shooter should have to drag or get 2 others there-no matter how he/she gets em there.

No high end guns allowed those matches, bulk box ammo only.