Ideas on best way to sell items: Cabinet, shells, Micrometers, etc



I sold my benchrest rifles several years ago and still have the items I used when I used to shoot. Several different Mitutoyo mics, Russian cases for 6ppc (1 box of 50 not fireformed, ) and various other items. Before I go to the classifieds I thought it best to find out if it would be best to sell them individually or as a package? Any ideas.


Best to sell individually. If you bundle them a buyer will want a very low price--there may be some items he really doesn't want but will take in order to get the rest.
Vic is right, however you could also set a bundled price when you post them. You never know what someone might be willing to buy. Just be sure to give enough detail.
decide if you just want to get rid of them, want your money back or want todays market price...
as a shooter, i say one or will make them move quickly.

mike in co