Ibs Vs Nbrsa



Why would a club pick one organization over the other to register with? Which one is more widely accepted?

As a shooter would you pick one organization or the other to go shoot at? Or are most shooters a member of both?

Any responses would be appreciated.
I am an IBS member...........

...........Reasons: 1/ It is the predominate organization here in N.E. PA

2/ With the $50/ yr dues I get the "Precision Shooting" magazine every month (about 100 pages of historical, and technical articles, and match reports...............once in a blue moon with MY name listed:)

3/ The members have a vote on how the org. is run. The annual meeting is held in Jan. ,here in PA, plus you can get your local shooters to petition for a change---provided enough signatures are provided

4/ I am a score shooter, the other org. doesn't have a score program

5/ their all such nice guy's that they honor NBRSA's card

6/ they also recognize 600 and 1000 yard disciplines ...which I am interested in-in the future

and...7/ it truly is international-- with clubs in several countries
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I belong to both - "support the sport"....

It was a "geographical" thing, but now both organizations are pretty much spread throughout the US. Find out which sanctioned matches you want to shoot and join that org. I would like to clarify a few points below.
...........Reasons: 1/ It is the predominate organization here in N.E. PA

2/ With the $50/ yr dues I get the "Precision Shooting" magazine every month (about 100 pages of historical, and technical articles, and match reports...............once in a blue moon with MY name listed:)

3/ The members have a vote on how the org. is run. The annual meeting is held in Jan. ,here in PA, plus you can get your local shooters to petition for a change---provided enough signatures are provided

NBRSA membership also votes on agenda items at National matches. You can also speak with you regional director about your concerns.

4/ I am a score shooter, the other org. doesn't have a score program

NBRSA does not have "Varmint for score" classes, but Hunter Class and 600/1000 BR matches are shot for score.

5/ their all such nice guy's that they honor NBRSA's card

6/ they also recognize 600 and 1000 yard disciplines ...which I am interested in-in the future

NBRSA has 600/1000 yard formats/matches.

and...7/ it truly is international-- with clubs in several countries

I believe the NBRSA also has matches outside the US?

There are things I like about each organization, and things I'd like to see changed.... But in the end, I just like to shoot, and it really doesn't matter to me which set of rules we use.

