IBS Score Nationals



Less than a month away. Who's going to the Score Nationals?

I'm going to try and shoot with the Big Boys in Score there.

Also, Jim Borden and Gary Armatrudo told me at Kelbly's last week that they were planning to go there, too.

Hal Drake (Mr. .15XX agg. at the Hog Roast this year) said that he was planning to come, too.

Also, Allie and Lee Euber also mentioned that they were going to try and make it.

The Chippewa range is a great place to shoot. Should be a great match.
I will be there

Bill Gebhardt and Stan Reitmeyer will be there as well.

I will be shooting VFS and Hunter.

Randy tells me he had over 100 entries as of Saturday.

Should be a great shoot

Jim Borden
The Rock Creek Barrel crew will be making their first trip to IBS score nationals, we are in St Louis this week for NBRSA Hunter nationals.

Pete , Bill
Glad to hear you are coming Carol and I will be there as well. They are going to put Carol to work running the Computer.

Rod is coming and he knows a good place we can all go for dinner.

Lord willing and the crick don't rise, Chris Yingling and I will be there.
(Yes, Dick G., I remember the exchange between you and I about Thurmont; Chippewa has some potential too.):)

count me in!you going to braxton county this year?
Hi Randy,

I can't get away from work that weekend. I'm trying to talk Julia into going. I guess I need to find her a ride and someone to help her out with cleaning. She can reload just fine but sometimes the cleaning rod can take more force than she can apply.

Score Nationals

Adrian, let me know if things change. We have most of the arrangements made, a good number of door prizes, and the range is in shape. It is not too late to sign up. The current registrations are for around 100 competitors and the range will handle up to 160. Call or email me for information.
Hi Randy,

I'm trying to talk Julia into going. I guess I need to find her a ride and someone to help her out with cleaning. She can reload just fine but sometimes the cleaning rod can take more force than she can apply.


Adrian - Here is a link to a thread I started last year requesting suggestions for ways to make it easier for my girlfriend to get a cleaning rod down the barrel between relays:


You have to wade through a few smart arse remarks, but there is some good information in there. The best solution I found was Bore-Tech Elminator and nylon brushes. She enjoyed shooting much more when she did not have to rely on me to help her clean.

Eliminator is pretty darn good stuff and all I use now - although I still use brass brushes.

Camping at the Score Nationals

I have heard there is no electric. But is there a spot to tent camp there? What about water? Is anyone else camping out there? Thanks. Johnnie
There is a large very nice grassy area just in back of the line fine for camping and even RV's as long as they are self contained .
Camping at the Nationals

Chippewa Rifle Club has no power or water due to its location in a flood plain. There will be some that will camp and all are welcome to. There is about a 3 acre field for parking cars, setting up loading tents, loading trailers, or if you should choose 'roughing it' style camping. There are also better than 500 hotel rooms within 25 minutes drive to the range with prices from thirty something up to what ever you would like to spend. See you all there.
Nationals VFS question?

Does the IBS Score Nationals VFS class have both a light varmint and a heavy varmint class?

In other words, if you shoot VFS do you choose LV or HV? Or can you shoot two different classes in VFS?
Does the IBS Score Nationals VFS class have both a light varmint and a heavy varmint class?

In other words, if you shoot VFS do you choose LV or HV? Or can you shoot two different classes in VFS?

Varmint For Score class is HV and LV combined. However there are a separate Records established. Under the current rules you can shoot both a heavy and a light and you would be competing for 1 set of awards and 2 sets of records and only one set of Shooter of the year points.

Most clubs allow a second rifle in the same class only on a space available base.

The current situation is controversial and there is a pending agenda item to end this practice

Dick Grosbier

Additionally some people are shooting two Rifles (Generally HV) in VFS class
this is very very controversial a number of people are unhappy about it.
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Thanks Dick, but I still have a question:

Do I bring a light and a heavy gun to the IBS Score Nationals. Or just one or the other?

From what I read in your post, we are shooting one class with a gun that could be either a light or a heavy. But if a record is broken (highly unlikely for my score-shooting abilities) then the record would be recognized based on whether it was shot with a light or heavy class gun, but still in VFS.

If I do bring a light and heavy gun, am I ENTITLED UNDER THE RULES to shoot both guns in VFS? Or is it at the discretion of the range officials and space availability? (I wouldn't want to cause a probem, but I was wondering what the protocol is.)

I guess I believed (perhaps naively) that there were two classes being shot in VFS either simultaneously or in sequence at the Nationals.
"Do I bring a light and a heavy gun to the IBS Score Nationals. Or just one or the other?"

You can shoot them both, provided there is bench space available (Randy's call).

"From what I read in your post, we are shooting one class with a gun that could be either a light or a heavy. But if a record is broken (highly unlikely for my score-shooting abilities) then the record would be recognized based on whether it was shot with a light or heavy class gun, but still in VFS."


"If I do bring a light and heavy gun, am I ENTITLED UNDER THE RULES to shoot both guns in VFS? Or is it at the discretion of the range officials and space availability? (I wouldn't want to cause a probem, but I was wondering what the protocol is.)"

You are allowed per the rules to shoot both, as long as there are available benches. Randy can let you know how full the shoot is. It is confusing the way things are now, but there is only ONE ultimate winner in each class, meaning VFS, VH and H.
If I do bring a light and heavy gun, am I ENTITLED UNDER THE RULES to shoot both guns in VFS? Or is it at the discretion of the range officials and space availability? (I wouldn't want to cause a probem, but I was wondering what the protocol is.)

You Can Legally shoot both your rifles in VFS Class. But you are not entitled to it, you are allowed if space is available .

There actually is a new rule that was passed at last years winter meeting allowing LV and HV to be shot in 2 different classes at two different matches similar to Group but so far it has not been utilized to my knowledge and I am pretty sure its not allowed at a Nationals at this point.


There will be several shooters shooting 2 VFS guns at the nationals. I will probably be shooting a LV and a HV. Allie and Lee both shoot a light and a heavy gun. Ron Collins shoots 2 heavy guns and that's where most of the controversy is coming from. Nothing in the rules says he can't do it, but it doesn't sit well with everyone. Anyway, there will be four relays as far as I know and plenty of time to keep on top of 2 rifles. Looking forward to talking with you again in a couple weeks...Hal