IBS Nat'ls Results at Union County



Sorry for the delay. I believe all results are now posted on the offical IBS site thanks to Gary Armatrudo and Dick Grosbier/Two very valuable assets to the IBS organization.
On behalf of the Union County Benchrest club we want to thank all for attending. We wanted another year to prepare but did our best to make your shooting experience enjoyable.
Mark and George are already trying to improve the range by filling in the low spots in some of the parking areas preparing for the next competition just in case you decide to bring the rain with you again.
Congrats to all the winners and those who shot possible record breaking aggregates.

Dale Boop

Also want to thank all that contributed to the range and target crew. It does make a huge difference and keeps small clubs like ours in business.
Too many to list and afraid I will forget someone, many thanks to all the hard working people that made this shoot a successful event.
And a special thanks for your group and the hard work they did to put on a great shoot. Lets don't forget PPE also (the power company).

...go to the IBS webpage. You can get there by clicking on the IBS logo from the Home Page of this site. Then click on 'Match Results' in the left-hand margin, then on 'Group' in the center of the page. This will take you to a page with clickable links for all the 2009 'Group' match reports that Dick Grosbier has received to date...

Thanks for the great hospitality. Neat area you have out there.


Dave, I receive your mail today. Thanks...
Don't forget our memorial match next May if you can make it. Its a great tune up for the Supershoot. Also maybe Nationals down the road again.

My wife still had things to do out there on her list when we left. She even went to the town meeting to hear Specter one day.
