Jeff Stover
For those that might be interested, the summer '09 President's Message is posted at
From the calls I have been getting it looks like we will have a good turnout at the Group Nationals at the Union County Sportsmen's Club (Weikert, PA) August 10-15. Mark Trutt, Dale Boop and their team are working hard to make this a stellar event. I know that many of you that have not been to the Weikert range will be very impressed.
From the calls I have been getting it looks like we will have a good turnout at the Group Nationals at the Union County Sportsmen's Club (Weikert, PA) August 10-15. Mark Trutt, Dale Boop and their team are working hard to make this a stellar event. I know that many of you that have not been to the Weikert range will be very impressed.