IBS 600 Yard "Shooter of the Year Points" (Current 7/22)


New member
The top IBS 600 yard shooters points are list on the IBS website under the "NEWS" headline. It is a good points race this year with Mike Eshleman at the top with 41 points. Two Rookie's follow not too far behind (Darrell Dacus with 29 and Dallas Johnson with 28). We also have a female scoring points before the nationals theis year: Sheron Rabun with 5 points. And congratulations to a fine young man: Rory Jacobs, a 10 year old Junior shooter with 3 points! Keep shooting small and most of all-have fun!!
Samuel Hall
Sam- Didn't see you listed there. Going another route? Saw you at Williamsport and at the 1000 yard nationals last year. Just curious.
One Flyer,
I have been saying since 2008 that if I have a bad start at SOY in 600 yard competition, I was going to just have fun and shoot some big matches that I had been wanting to go to. Well, that happened this year. I scored one point in my first 600 yard SOY match. I finished second overall in that match, but no top finishes for points. I went to "The Williamsport World Open" last week and got humbled to say the least. You could definitely call me "One Flyer" that weekend. Verticle killed me! I was not far off a world record on my first target- if you took that "flyer" away. I have a new respect for 1000 yard shooters. It is definitely hard to keep 10 shot together at 1000! Besides shooting bad, I had a great time! Hope to go back one day! I guess I need to go back to 600 yards, I just needed a little break. I am going to try and make Piedmont's last 2 shoots and the 600 yard Nationals. No pressure on me for the "Shooter of the Year" this year! Samuel Hall
Samuel, thanks for your work in keeping track and posting these. You deserve a break, and let some of us "field fillers" have a shot at the top spot! We have a rookie shooter in Memphis to keep an eye on, ole Darrel Dacus is making some big Ju Ju. I am just very happy that Memphis is now involved with the IBS. Lots of fun and great guys to compete with.