IBS 600 yard Natrionals


New member
I suppose this is to Larry Sparks or anyone at the Oak Ridge Sportsman Association....

What is the entry fee? Do we need to per-register for the match?
Will there be places for RV's to park at the range?

Larry Isenhour
Practice Day for Nationals

Larry Sparks or Dave Tooley

What time does the range open for practice on Wed before nationals? Are we going to be able to hang targets in the pitts and practice on them, instead of just shooting the back berm? Will there be targets for sale to practice on? Is there going to be any puller's around to pull targets for the shooters on Wed or do we have to supply one ourselves? Will there be any prize drawings during the week? Will each bench have a cover over it? Will we be able to use our own wind flags during the nationals? Will the relays be rotated each day? I can't find anything in the rules about relays being rotated from day to day. The only rule i see is that the benches have to rotate each time you come to the line. Will we be shooting all 3 targets before we leave the bench or will we return to the bench?

The sooner you can let us know the better.
Hi Larry,

The fee's for nationals is $150.00 for 2 guns and they are limiting it to only 80 shooters. Each shooter will have to do pitt duty. As for parking, i don't know. There should be some real nice prizes and awards at this event. Range cost are low. If there is 80 shooters = $12,000 if my math is right plus what the IBS gives for awards. There's no pullers to pay, No range personel to pay. The shooters will be running the match. Remember to bring food and drink with you for each day. I would like to see an itemized report for nationals. This way when we try to put it on at Bridgeville, we have an idea of the cost's and how much the IBS gives towards all national events and then we can go from there.

See ya down there buddy
Don't forget brian and the crew

P.S. Let me know if you hear from Larry Sparks or Dave Tooley
Larry Sparks e-mailed me today and attached the information that had been previously posted about the entry fees and the course of fire. I had missed it before so it was new info to me.
Brian, we are looking forward to seeing you and any of the other people that shoots in Delaware. We have a match at Piedmont next Saturday so I hope to get in one last practice before the Nationals.
Larry Isenhour
IBS 600 yard Nationals

So far I have 12 folks registered for the Nationals and I've spent thousands of the club's money. I hope to provide food or a banquet or something special for the competitors but I'm reluctant to go too far into debt with so few people registered. I keep getting complaints about the limit of 80 shooters and I'm making arrangements to go higher, but with just a couple weeks to go I'm getting rather nervous. A show of hands of who is planning to come will help alot for my planning purposes. All benches will have canopies.

The range will be open for practice at 9 am on Wednesday of the Nationals. I was not planning on charging anything for the practice targets. Set up of the range will be Tuesday of that week and any and all volunteers will be welcome.

As far as the actual running of the match and additional prizes you will need to contact Dave Tooley as I'm just arranging the facility.

Larry Sparks
Larry S.,I have sent my registration money in and will definitely be there. I have talked to alot of people who are going. I will try and get an estimate of how many will be coming from the Piedmont Club this weekend and post it.
Samuel Hall
I will be there shooting 2 guns. Just haven't sent in the money yet. Will do that today.

The program is all upgraded and working. I keep working on upgrading little things here and there with it. I will be there early so I can start entering in the pre-registered shooters info into the database to save time on day 1 of the match. I'll get with you soon about meeting up at the range to get that info from you.

Talk to you later,

I am preregistered and will be there, along with 2 guys from Pa and 1 from Va.

I've preregistered and will be traveling with three shooters from South Dakota

See you there

Richard Schatz
I took a head count at Piedmont yesterday of the guys that said they were going to the Nationals. Nine said they were going. That does not include D. Tooley, Steve Shepp, Greg Culpepper, Doug Paschal, and a few other not at the match that I feel sure will be there. Most people will probably pay when they get there I'll bet, just in case something comes up where they can't go. Thanks for your effort to put on the Nationals!
By the looks of the last few matches we have had, we shooters might had better look out for a teenage boy named Paul Wagoner at the Nationals.
Samuel Hall