IBS 200/300 nats.

Mark Trutt

New member
Thank You Mike, Jerry, Kim and Gary and crew for holding the match
this past weekend. Even though i shot like a dog (and felt like crap about it at
times) you folks and a great bunch of guys we are lucky to shoot with
made it very worth while to make the trip.

Thank goodness for the pavillion and covered walkway to the line.
Amazing shooting by some amazing shooters in absolutely horrible conditions
for most of the weekend.
Longtime shooters and fairly new shooters (even one in diapers)hehe,
duking it out all weekend for the top prize.
Harley " The Hammer" Baker pounded us all into submission when it was done.
Congrats buddy!!!

The rest of the winners and top top placers should really be proud.
Was a tough weekend and no small feat to do well. Congrats!!

Also, many thanks to Joel and Harley for the awesome meal Friday
night. WOW!!! WELL DONE!!!

Thanks Canastota!! A true Jewel of ranges!!

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On behalf of the Canastota crew thank you for the pats on the back, Mark . Oh by the way give Ma Trutt a big hug from me for the baked goods, so much for the diet.
Thanks a bunch guys for the Friday nite meal. The talent show and movie selections were memorable.