Ibs 1000 yd national championship match

I texted Shannon Lowman last night, but have not heard back from him yet. What I am wondering is why you are not there? I just got in from Dove Hunting this am myself. I brought home a few trophies I can eat! You going to the 600 Yard Nationals in St. Louis? Samuel Hall
I was watcing the radar this morning and it looked like it might of been wet there, looks clear for the moment, but looks like more on the way.

I texted Shannon Lowman last night, but have not heard back from him yet. What I am wondering is why you are not there? I just got in from Dove Hunting this am myself. I brought home a few trophies I can eat! You going to the 600 Yard Nationals in St. Louis? Samuel Hall

I have looked forward to the 1000yd nationals all year every year since 2004 when I started buying parts for my first long range BR rifle. This year I got to thinkin it might not be a bad idea to skip the nationals once just to get over the "shock" of not being there.
Its labor day weekend, I should be doing something with family and friends anyway. There's lots of weekends for a match without burnin up a holiday weekend.
Yeah I want to go to the 600yd nationals, been thinkin about trying something a little different this year. I haven't shot much all year and I hate to burn up my best barrel on a match Im not in practice for so I'm thinkin about rechambering a couple of old barrels I have in simple no turn chambers like a 6BR and a 6x47 Lapua and shoot a little before the match and see what I can do without all the fireformin, wildcattin and runnin to shoots all over the U.S. trying to stay competitive.
I just talked to Shannon Lowman. They finished up today. A day early and done by 2pm today. Bad weather was moving in. I did not have a chance to write down names, but the PA boys took top honors. Alot of good shooters shot big or got took off paper from the off and on wind during the day. Sorry I don't have more. Maybe someone that was there will chime in. Samuel Hall
Why is this not being posted daily?

I guess it is because you are not there sending in results.
These things do not happen unless somebody takes the time and effort to make it happen. The average shooter is at this type event to Shoot, see friends. socialize, and maybe visit vendors. It takes special effort to send in results of a match and most people are just too busy doing their own thing. The club is required to send the detailed match results in to IBS within 4 weeks for posting on the web site and PS magazine. I imagine I will have the results much sooner than that.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Webmaster
Why is this not being posted daily?

That's an easy answer. There is no Internet service at the range...cell service is almost nonexistent.

I did all the computer work for them with my laptop. I have the results on my computer of course, but I do not want to step on anyone's toes by posting them. I am home now, and will be emailing the results to the people who will be posting them....unless they ask me to post them.

-------Jeff Walker
It was very hot, humid and windy. It was a very well run match with confusion at the end. "Prizes" Unclear why some shooters were given 2,3 and 4 prizes and other shooters were only given 1. Is there anyone representing the IBS or the White Horse Range that can clear up the way the prizes were distributed.

It was very hot, humid and windy. It was a very well run match with confusion at the end. "Prizes" Unclear why some shooters were given 2,3 and 4 prizes and other shooters were only given 1. Is there anyone representing the IBS or the White Horse Range that can clear up the way the prizes were distributed.


Tom, the IBS has nothing to do with the prizes at a match or how they are given out...that is up to the individual clubs. I did hear that there was a probable "miscommunication" with one shooter about the prize table. I was in the shack the entire time but did not see it, and have not heard of any other than that one. All in all though, I feel the guys did a GREAT job, and things went very well.

--------------Jeff Walker
Thank you for the IBS's position on this matter but you made a statement about a "miscommunication". This is directed to Stanley Taylor and the officials at the White Horse Range. Where is the "miscommunication" with one shooter. When I went up to recieve my prize for National Score Champion I was told that I could not pick another prize because I had already recieved a prize for Overall Light Gun Champion. After I sat down I watched multiple shooters recieve more than one prize for their rankings. I was called up to recieve an award for fourth place ranking by Stanley Taylor, standing face to face i asked him if I recieved a prize and he said "NO" not maybe "NO" where is the "miscommunication" in the word "NO". After returning to my seat Stanley Taylor walked up to me and said there was a problem and that he was sorry. They stopped the awards 2 different times to fix a problem with the prizes the first being with a stock and the second time was with a barrell. They could have made an effort to fix the problem with my prizes but chose to do nothing. In closing you sent your national score champion home with nothing but an "I'm Sorry".


You are stating stuff here that I haven't heard, not saying it did or didn't happen, just that I hadn't heard it. I just stated earlier what I had heard, guess I should have realized that it was you since you are the one bringing it up. I guess you need to take this up with the people you were directly involved with.

I can tell everyone one thing though, of all the Nationals I've been to, this was the least probable one to hear the "after the fact" problems with. There were no protests, and the referees were never called on for anything.

It's bad that this happened, but this ends MY involvement with it.

My apologies to you I was responding to your comment "miscommunication". All of my comments are directed directly to Stanley Taylor and the officials of the White Horse Range.
