IBS 1000 Yard Nationals info

Gordy Gritters

New member
We now have the registration forms and info on our Iowa 1000 Yard Club website ( www.iowa1000ydbenchrest.com ) for those planning on coming to Iowa for the IBS 1000 yard Nationals on September 3, 4 & 5.

Remember, we are going to make this a bigger Nationals than has ever been done before in the IBS, by running a 4 TARGET AGG format over THREE days instead of two days like has always been done in the past. Shooters keep saying they want to do more shooting, so we listened and decided to extend it to a third day and run four targets, so make sure to bring along more ammo than usual.

We will also be running team competitions like has been done in the past, so start planning on this also.

All in all, everyone seems very excited about this and it should be a great time!

One other plug if I may - if possible, plan to make a big trip out of it and head from here out to Varmint Hunters in South Dakota for the IBS 600 Yard Nationals which will be directly following our 1000 Yard Nationals. Now you'll really have to load some ammo for all that shooting!!!!!

This is going to be great - see you then!!

Gordy, Lee and all the staff from Iowa
Thanks for the update.
Since 4 targets doesn't divide up evenly into 3 days could you give us a little more detail on the course of fire.

Thank you,

What will be the cost to shoot the nationals?

More importantly....what are we eating?! Am hungry after no meal ticket at the 08 edition!
Nope, just like to eat!

See exerpt below from 08 entry form. I didnt offer up the lunch or ask about it, just know I didnt get one. No big deal, but sure do enjoy the BBQs put on at World Open and other Nats.

http://www.ohio1000yd.com/Content/08_Nats form.pdf

Have you seen me lately? Wasting away to nothing! :D

Gordy, surely out there in Iowa you guys can round up a hog to put in the ground! How many pounds of potato salad do you need? Find a guy with a hog roaster and I'll pitch in a couple hundo for the pig!

The International Benchrest Shooters and the Ohio 1000 Yard Benchrest Club would like to invite all longrange
shooters to the National Championship Match to be held at Thunder Valley Rifle Club this year. IBS or
NBRSA membership is required and you will be asked to show your cards at registration. You may join at the
match. Anyone wishing to pre-register, your information plus payment must be sent to:
Ohio 1000YD Benchrest Club
C\O Tom Sarver
15786 TR 118
Kimbolton, OH 43749
740-545-5002 (Home)
740-502-6530 (Cell)
FEES: `Included both days, a Lunch ticket, and one Championship t-shirt.
Fees are as follows:
1 - Gun - $75.00 ( $85.00 if postmarked after Aug. 1)
2- Guns - $125.00 ( $135.00 if postmarked after Aug. 1)
Junior shooters are half price.
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More importantly....what are we eating?! Am hungry after no meal ticket at the 08 edition!

Gordy's wife feeds us well at every shoot. :D Don't know whats happening at T.V.-
I only went to one T.V. match this year and have never seen the results
posted any where. I am sure we will have some thing to eat at the Nats this
year, Gordy has been picking up all the road kill he can find.:D
Get the steak sandwich guy that you had at match 9 & 10 last Aug. You know...the chuckwagon guy. I am sure I paid his fuel bill for the weekend...even at $4.00 a gal.!!!:D

I'm just sayin.

PS...Did you guys in IA. ever send in the 2009 IBS membership dues.....I just got a bill from the IBS asking for my 2009 membership fees.

Sorry for the highjack.


One evening we'll get a group up and go to Udders. Yea a steak house called Udders. Let the jokes begin. You point at the side of beef you want and then go cook it yourself. All the sides you want. I think even you'll leave there full.


Thanks for the reminder...almost forgot the Shilen certificate from the 2008 Danny Brooks whoop-a$$. Went to the last Nats in Pella...you even win when you lose with a free ice cream cone for a DQ target. Iowa knows how to run a match.


Is the food "udderly" fantastic? Sorry that's the best I could do on limited sleep.


Jeff in OH

Nationals details are on the Iowa web site www.iowa1000ydbenchrest.com - cost , course of fire - all there.

Dave - did I understand your post correctly you are buying at utters?? By the way let us know how those special pink bullets are shooting.

Sounds Good!

Sounds good Dave. Reminds me of the Nashville Stockyard where you can weigh yourself going in and coming out! Me get full? I do enjoy a good meal, wont argue that! :D

So how about it Lee, Gordy and the gang? Hog roast Friday night and Udders Saturday night? Line up the hog and I'll kick in some cash to make it happen.

Take care and see you all Labor Day weekend if not sooner!
Didnt we have to buy our meal ticket at Iowa last Nationals out there?

I remember half a plate of food anyway, thats for sure.

Sure it's not a strip joint in Iowa?

Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are, that's funny.

Didnt we have to buy our meal ticket at Iowa last Nationals out there?

I remember half a plate of food anyway, thats for sure.


I thought we got them with the entry fee at Pella last time. You must be thinking of last year's Nationals.

Jeff in OH
Lee or Gordy can clear that up, im pretty sure it was $10 or $15

Doesnt really matter to me im skipping out this year.

Good Day!
Hog roast at the Nationals

Thanks for the reminder Rob. Someone (or several someones) suggested having a hog roast at the 1K Nationals awhile back already, and we thought that sounded like a wonderful idea and are definitely working on that.

We will probably do that on Friday evening, followed by an IBS business meeting and some door prize handouts. Then we'll get a big bonfire going as it gets dark, so we can all sit around and tell lies to each other:)

Iowa has world class corn-fed pork (and beef), so you'll be in for a real treat!!

See you then!
