I thought this was cool.....Happy 4th of July


Club Coordinator
Seen this on of all places Facebook.

Thought it was cool. Happy 4th of July to our American


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Seen this on of all places Facebook.

Thought it was cool. Happy 4th of July to our American

Of course ya' did...... Ya got's the big Canuck with the gun towering over the American who's ducked into his collar......LOL!

I'm sorry Calvin.... THAT'S NOT HOW I ACTUALLY FEEL!! I just found it funny/humorous/telling and a little embarrassing that I even noticed. But I'm noticing more and more just how differently we all REACT to stuff. Down here in the States we're destroying ourselves with our reactive tendencies and I've always thought it was silly.

For instance, I live my life in sweatpants and cutoff Wrangler pearl snap shirts. I've literally got 20 of each. And people NOTICE! I get folks telling me "go get some clothes on!"

I thought it was funny, hope you take it as intended...... and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! Looks like we've got over 100lb of HE here, WE WILL BE MAKING SOME NOISE! Enough you might hear us up there since one of my boys is taking another 60lb of Tannerite up in the hills today searching for the longest rumble.

2 of his buddies swore "they got a 15 second echo" yesterday LOL

I will say this.... the REALLY good ones get LOUDER partway thru the rumble.......

No $#!t
I had uncles fighting from both sides of the border. They all came back but missing an arm and a leg. One Canadian uncle came back with an Irish warbride. After years in Canada they decided it would be better for her if she became a Canadian citizen. They live in Newmarket, which is north of Toronto. She took the needed classes and went to Toronto City Hall to be sworn in. Place your hand on the Bible and repeat after me, “I pledge allegiance to the Queen of England”. “What? Never”. She’s still a landed immigrant.
I was wondering where the "cutoff Wrangler pearl snap shirts" were cut -- I thought maybe horizontally, above the waist. Thanks for posting. :)

that is amazing, the thought that you picture me thus frigh'dens me, societally not personally

Are you listening to music or is that ear protection ?


Both..... all 6 rooms and the outside of the shop are wired for sound so the music's everywhere, but the thing on my head is ear-pro-only

I either double up with foamies and muffs, or run those fatties alone if I'm shooting small guns un-braked (up to 308Win)