i should of listened



my smith told me he built my rifle to shoot eley ammo even gave me 2 lot numbers that were "above" average,so i decided i need to shoot other types and brands instead, after the last two days of serious testing and shooting the 2 eley lots he gave me is still the best......i am hard headed sometimes .....

Bill, nothing ventured nothing gained. how else can a shooter learn. that's how these guy's did it from the begining. part of the learning process.
welcome to the expensive world of ammo testing nipper.
sounds like your smith probably set it up with the eps
chamber. i'm sure others on here will share their knowledge
with best and most efficient ways to do it.
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my new barrel will have the calfee chamber in it. what is the difference between the 2 chambers? is bills chamber just a tighter 52 chamber?
i'm not sure, mknarr had posted a copy of reamer specs
from pt&g i can't find it right now, there were a buttload
of reamers they offered.
The differences between the commonly used reamers is just a matter of splitting hairs. A thou' here, a 1/2 degree there...
So there is only one reamer capable of shooting 250's and ALL the 'smiths are using that one ????

Those 'split hairs' I mentioned are probably lost in the many variables that come into play when you ream the chamber.