I need some help


First off, I have never been a airgunner and know nothing at all about them.
Here is what I am up against. My wife (Charlene) and I work with a girls children home and the house parents want me to teach gun safety and also how to shoot. I shoot 6ppc but that is not going to work in this situation. What I need to know is what is a decent rifle that shoots good, doesn't cost a arm and a leg $500 or less. Will be shooting over flags like the real deal. Is there a good springer that will do this?

Richard Brensing

e mail me rwbrensing at hotmail.com

Good for you and your wife for teaching the girls training with firearms.
If you check a site like Pyramid Air you will see springers, gas piston and pcp type of
air guns. Each has it's own pluses and minus and you can spend a lot less than $500.00
and get a quality air rifle. They can probably explain a good course of action for you.
Hope to see you at the Arkansas match in May.
Best Regards,

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
likely the best thing you can get would be the daisy 753s - this is a single stroke/pump pneumatic rifle not a springer. Springers are notoriously difficult to shoot off a bench. Designed for 10 meters ( 33 ft apx) .177 cal apx. 350- 400 fps for a 8gr pellet. This unit is what is most used for various Jr. clubs and 4H groups for your intended purposes. Pellet traps for this are easy to make _ nothing much more than a shadow box and a sheet of apx 20 ga steel at the back maybe about 3" deep. Used pallets ( free) will make at least one or more trap frames per pallet. ( store bought lumber being insanly priced right now( like $6 for a 2x4x8'- ridiculous) Trunk lids and eng hoods or similar from junk yard are plenty tough enough for the steel back plates. Made a lot of these over the yeras for various venues.
I ended up

getting a couple daisy match 753's They really shoot well !! We spent an afternoon going over gun safety and learning how to shoot diopter sights. The next day we held an "official" match for the girls. Spotting scope, a scoring table, the whole works.
Invited some neighbors over to watch. It went well and they shot good. Anyway, it was a huge success. They really wanted to give my BR stuff a tryout:)

Well done Richard. Very important to get our youth involved in responsible shooting sports. I taught my 3 daughters to shoot as well
as safe gun handling. Only 1 continues to shoot and she goes through a brick of 22's every time she comes to our farm!
Good on you.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas