i need HELP!!!


chuck williams

i am very new to benchrest and have started shooting score matches lately. i have always chased accuracy with any firearm i have ever had and i shoot a lot. i started out shooting the production class with a savage 223 LRPV. i did very well with the gun. i even beat the benchrest boys once in brutal conditions. it seemed like those 69 sierras just didnt care what was going on. the last two matches i have shot with a nesika 6ppc i bought to get into actual benchrest with. i only have access to a 100yd range locally so until last weekend, i had never shot the gun at 200yds. i won the 100yd relay with a 149 15x in bad conditions. i live in the texas panhandle so the wind always blows. well, it was worse today gusting past 35mph. i tied at 100yd with a 250 11x. this was a prarie dog match so we shot 20 rounds at each range. anyway, the same as last week, i absolutely bombed at 200yds. i am shooting 27.5gr h322 and barts 68 ultras. the load will shoot in the 1's or low 2's at 100yd fairly consistently and never shoots bad. i have a hard time thinking it would be the rifle or the load, but i just cant figure out what i could be doing wrong. i felt my technique was the same as 100yd and i was watching an indicator to help me pick a condition to shoot in. i also made sure to correct the parralax in the scope. is it possible that the load could shoot so well at 100 and just fall apart at 200? does anyone else have this problem or can someone please advise me on what to try? thanks.

One thing you need to remember is that just because a load shoots well one day does not mean it will shoot well the next. In fact, I've had a load go bad on me in 30 minutes during a registered match. That's what separates the 'pros' from us 'ams'.....the ability to stay on top of a tune. If you go to the line with a load that had shot well just a short time ago and it doesn't shoot well now never shoot that load for the next relay. Adjust your powder one way or the other. You would do well to study a tuning method.

200 yards the wind will eat you up many times worse then at 100. Shooting a 248 to 250 at 100 is pretty easy. Not so at 200 if you miss any conditions. You said you looked at a wind indicator, was it only one. If so, you will need a few more at 200. Conditions at 200 really separate the shooters from the guys with a really tuned gun.

where do you live? One of the best pieces of advise I received was to find a mentor. Someone who is a seasoned shooter that can help you through the steep learning curve. If we knew where you lived someone might step up. Lubbock has a good group of guys. If you are close I know they would be glad to help. Bro.D
i live NE of amarillo. mr. coleman, once i figured out my hold at 100 i was shooting x's pretty consistantly. i feel like the load was fine. could it be good a 100 and not so good at 200? i have a hard enough time looking at one indicator at 25 much less several of them. what is a good technique for that? do you shoot with your left eye open and watch the indicator with it? i was actually looking at an indicator several benches to my right and by the time i would get back on the scope, things had changed. i dont even own an indicator or flags. i am also using the caldwell fire control rest. i dont think it is steady enough to find an aim point, watch the flags, and then fire the rifle without getting back on the scope to make sure everything is still right. i noticed some guys doing this but they were using farleys or fixed rests like the bald eagle etc. lastly, i am using a bushnell elite 4200 8-32. i realize the reticle is far too thick for serious BR but it is what i had. i have a T36 coming. is it possible a scope issue could show up at 200 but not 100?


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Get some flags. Once you do this then you will see why the holes won't appear where you think they should. If we only shot our score matches at 100 yds I would look like superman, but just like Stiller said, the 200 yd segment takes a lot more than just having a Laser Beam like my Viper 30BR is.