On a more serious note ,as if I had one!
I’m no expert on rim fire organizations or the game,
But I am on growing and nurturing a sport and a club to push it with.
After being involved with archery competition and bow hunting for 35 years
I’ve found , ya got to keep the health and welfare of the sport alive!!!
You can’t say , “well if there not playing my game, I won’t support it”!
Or if they won’t play by my rules forget them!!!
Or if it don’t fit my personal needs “not interested”
A game whether it be RIM Fire or bingo, can’t grow without the support
Of all it’s kinfolk!!!
In archery the die hard bow hunters sometimes look at the target archers and say “you guys are on your own, I’m not interested” not realizing tho the two games are different , they both use the same tools
And aspire to the same ideas ( a game with bows and arrows , or guns and ammo)
Needs to be supported buy the folks that use these toys or tools, we can’t say “ I don’t shoot in the Olympics, or prone , or ara ,schutzen, rba, ect. Ect. So I’m not helping out !!!!
If one good useful limb on a tree dies the whole tree suffers, at times trees need to be pruned,
But only to save the tree.
That brings me to another sore subject, commercial business involved with setting rules and controlling These games
thatI don’t work either!
When that happens we are at the mercy of the business owners!
If Remington made the only gun , they could tell us how and when ,and how much it’s gonna cost to play our games!
In finishin this bullship ramble!!
If ya keep things in this order you’ll always have a game to play
1.the whole sport and all it’s many parts
2.the clubs and support groups
3. The manufacturers, and commercial business, and for profit facilities
4.last but not least, our own personal interests
We’ll always have somewhere to go and play on any given week end!
Now , jest shoot me an get me out of yer misery
Earl Schrum
aka Gambler