I lost my best friend today!


Paul Wilmoth

Bill Myers and I started shooting 22's together almost 20 years ago. We traveled from Florida to New Hampshire and every where in between. We shared motel rooms, meals, guns, ammo and a lot of drinks together. He built or rebuilt almost every gun in my vault and they all are great shooters. We spend many nights together at my cabin and our talks were almost always about guns or hunting. When he worked at GE his break was the same time as my dinner, there was hardly an evening meal he did not interrupt with a phone call about something new he was working on to make 22's shoot better. He called me in Feb. to come to the chicken house and shoot a gun he had just built with a new tuner design. That was the last time I got to shoot with Billy. God I wish I would have stayed longer.
I will miss him.

I'm sorry for your loss and I think Bill is looking down on us from a better place.