I am so confused about 52's



I have a NIB model 52. s/n E124,xxx with the manual and everything else. I have read up on this post and have leaned alot but I still have a couple of questions. This rifle has been passed down to me and I am trying to figure it out.

1. The paper work says that it is a D model, is that weird?

2. I cannot find the sights but I am almost positive I have them in one of the tool boxes. What should I look for?

3. We had it appraised about 10-15 years ago and they said it was 100% but I see most people using 98%?

4. I am a left handed shooter and my father was right handed obviously. I used to shoot about 15 years ago and want to get back into it. Any ideas on whether it would be worth it for a young guy (27) to sell this gun and actually be able to shoot again?

5. what in the world would this thing be worth?

6.oh yeah it comes with an unertel scope in a wood box. Is the normal to be with the rifle?
Hey flea

Why not send a PM to Tdic and apparently he can tell you everything you want to know including the value.
1. Only weird if it's not a D model. It should tell you on the receiver what model it is.

2. They look like sights. Could be leaf type or aperture. Just depends on what was on it. But if the sights are gone it's not 100%. Self defined.

3. See above. 100% is unused NIB. Most people use 98% at the very best on a used gun because there will be wear somewhere. 98% is a very good specimen.

4. I guess you mean it's right bolt/right port. If you want to shoot from a bench that's what you want for a left hander. It's easier. Not from a bench, you may want something left specific.

5. Saw one go for about $700 not long ago. It was not 98% or 100% but it was a D and not in bad shape. Saw one priced for $1300 at a gun show not long ago. NIB. Don't know if they sold it or not.

6. Scope may be worth more than the gun. I would say it's normal if someone used a Unertel scope with the gun.

I don't know if you're serious or just BSing but you have my opinions and observations anyway.
Shoot it Right or Left

My wife and I shot a 52D for over 10 years together. She is a righty anf I due to an eye problem shot left. Let the record speak for it self, the 52D can be shot either way effectively. As for sights, Redfield Olympic or International sights were the most used on that model.
I believe the E in the SN means that it is a 52E model. Those are pretty rare and in the condition you describe, even without sights, would be worth around $2000. The scope, probably $700 minimum if in excellent condition with the box. If it had sights, it would have had Redfield aperature iron sights. In used condition, front and rear sights would add around $200.

It does not surprise me that the manual says 52D. I have heard instances where the boxes for the E models are marked D.

What type of stock does it have?

If the receiver is factory drilled and tapped, then it is a 52E.
Not necessarily. It is my understanding (and someone will correct me if I am wrong on this) that some early E's, and marked E on the receiver, were NOT drilled and tapped for receiver scope mounts. bob finger
The Winchester 52 D & E series were shipped both ways, without sights and if with sights, they were usually the Redfield Olympic or International series, often an Olympic front sight and an International rear sight although this combination could be reversed. If the 52 you have has the Unertl scope with it, it may never have had iron sights...

If you are interested in shooting, I'd recommend you hang on to the gun and shoot it, they are great guns and you be hard pressed to find anything better... I speak from experience, I'm still shooting a 52D I purchased in the mid 1960's and its still a solid performer...

Happy Shooting,
Mitch & Shadow...


When the "D" model parts became exhausted "E" parts were used to make the "D's" (52 in a marksman stock). Whether they were ordered as a "D" the later models came with an "E" receiver. Even the early "E Internationals" came with a "D" owners manual. If the serial is preceeded by the letter "E" it can be considered an E.
Is your barrel crown recessed and what size barrel?
They came without sights from the factory. If you have a set they did not come as factory issue, nor did the scope but both are fine and necessary accesories to have.

you guys are awsome. This whole 52 thing is starting to make sense.
i am confused about the 52,s

The last post was correct in all aspects . The E had a rather deep recessed crown. The last lots that went out of winchester when they went broke used e parts , Mixed with d parts. Those were the last models you have a real prize hang on to it. If it has the international stock { you have a really limited production model
The posting on prices was pretty close too.
a E in 98% would be worth $2000 and the scope depending on wich model
2 in or 1 1/2 would bring a price of $700 up above $1200.
With the box and shade.