I Am Now Perplexed


Dave Shattuck

When the AGBR first came into existence I was the one who had initially stirred the pot that ended up bringing it into being. It’s a long story, which a lot of you are already familiar with, so I will spare you the details.

At that time the only reason I was not more instrumental with its creation was: even though I had over a decade of experience with running benchrest matches, I had absolutely no hands-on experience with airguns and only knew what I had read, which was just enough to tell me that the time had come to get things restart on a National level rather than just leaving it as happening only at the Club level.

Ever since its demise I have been analyzing, then reanalyzing the path we should now follow while getting this next generation of Airgun Benchrest set up. Over the years I have kept in contact with as many of those who are in the know from around the world as possible along with reading whatever I could regarding Airguns. And now because of all of your input as well, which I thank you for, I feel that I may have found a direction the majority of us would like to see followed in order to create “as level a playing field as possible”.

While pondering what to do next many of us have been lucky enough to be exposed to how the rest of the World does things after having rubbed elbows with some of the-best-of-the-best at these most resent WRABF World Championships in South Carolina. Because of this I have come to realize and full appreciate the importance of classifying everything by FPE and weight, and not just haphazardly create Classes by dividing everything up without a sound basis. Therefore, I am totally in favor of using the existing WRABF Rulebook and targets for our basis, then only change what is needed in order to better suit the needs of our shooters. So, now the question becomes: just how much do we need to change what is already in place?

In other posts we have been throwing around the idea of adding 3 more Classes: a Club level Springer Class, an Open Class and an Unlimited Class. And up until a few days ago I was thinking those were all good ideas. However, after stepping back and taking a look at where we are, and what we are thinking of creating, I am now thinking that maybe we would be going too far to fast if we were to indeed add all 3 Classes at this time.

Let’s take a look at the purpose of each Class and how adding them might, or might not better what is already in place.
(“CLUB”) SPRINGER CLASS: In the provisions already in place with the WRABF both the International Sporter Class and the LV Class have a place for Spring Powered guns. The argument was made that most shooters using Springers would probably be doing so as new shooters, and thus would not want to compete at this advanced level, and would want to shoot at more of a “Club” level. It is my contention that we do not need to add an entire Class just to suit the needs of so very few for two reasons:
1.) There will more than likely only be a one or two shooters, if that, per event, who will show up to compete in such a Class, and then only on a here-and-there basis
2.) Nothing is stopping any host club from allowing them to join in right along side those of us who are there competing in one of the already established Classes, and then to record their scores as being shot in a Club Springer Class.
If needed a Class could be added later on, but I doubt the demand would ever warrant one, so my vote is NO to adding a Springer Class.
UNLIMITED CLASS: The argument has been made that this Class would be where everything above and beyond what is currently allowed, including the Open Class, would fall, regardless of power or weight. We would also allow the use of one-piece rests and rail guns here. Up until recently I was making the argument for allowing .25 caliber guns in this Class as well. Plus, it was said that this Class would be a place where the experimenters amongst us could come and compete while they try to stretch the limits to the max. I don’t feel the place for experimentation is at the firing line during competition, so, here again. My vote is NO to adding an Unlimited Class.
OPEN CLASS: Now, to me this one makes sense! As we all know, under the current WRABF Rules the highest FPE allowed is 20fpe. In our country we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy FAC guns. The problem with limiting an entire sport down to a maximum of 20fpe while also allowing the ownership of FAC guns is that you immediately take away the majority of guns from competition. Several of us have either .20 or .22 caliber benchguns that we either don’t want to detune to that level, or find they loose their effectiveness once detuned, so we have chosen to leave them at their higher settings. By establishing an Open Class, this would give those shooters, the majority of shooters, a place to compete, but I still feel that we should:
1.) Limit the power to a max of 35fpe
2.) Keep the maximum weight the same as in the HV-B Class at 15# with all other rules applying from that Class. This should not be a determent as it is only being created for those who have either detuned their guns and want to turn the power back up, or for those who are using full-powered FAC’s and want to detune them as little as possible

Which brings me to my dilemma.

Over the past several months I have been openly campaigning for adding the .25 caliber into at least an Unlimited Class, if not the Open Class as well. The reason being: for the past few years one of the things that has kept jumping out at me is the fact that today’s .25’s are beginning to find their place amongst the high-end guns, plus there is now an abundance of quality, match-grade ammunition readily available that would allow this caliber to show its superiority if ever given a chance to compete. No matter what we do today I feel confident that the .25’s will soon need a place to compete as they very well could become the wave of the future in our sport. But, as much I as like the .25’s and have been advocating for allowing them, I have now come to realize that my stance probably isn’t the thing to do, at least not now. The reason is simple: as good as the .25’s may prove to be, they are the go-between between the .177's, .20's and .22's that we are now using, and the Big-Bore guns that we in no way want to combine into the mix. Therefore the .25’s really don't belong and will have to wait for another day.

All of the above is only my opinion and you are welcome to disagree.

Dave Shattuck

Interesting your post is below Gert's about the 100m group shooting contest in S. Africa. That really sounds like fun... and .. That is where the "Unlimited" class guns belong.. special shoots. I agree, no need for an "Unlimited" class mixed in with the current rules and classes.

I also agree we have enough springer classes for the serious spring gun shooter. Club level events don't need a class created to welcome anyone to get started shooting whatever they bring.

I also agree that the "Open" class should be the same as HV-B with the 15 lb weight limit.. again interesting that your post is right Gert's. The S. African club has already raised and settled this issue with the world body... and it's similar to what your proposing. Use those rules and class, and maybe next world contest, the Open class would compete.

Wayne Burns
I have wanting to toss a coin into this wishing well for some time so here it goes. We (South Africa) made proposals for the AGM on adding/subtracting some of the AR classes. It seems to me that these proposals got very little airtime as in actual fact we ended up with less classes!!! I have not seen the minutes of the AGM but am sure in due time it will surface in our neck of the woods.

In asking for these changes we had one objective in mind and that was to try and grow the sport. Even changing of the rules in established classes were not considered. If you take for example the 10.5 pound weight limit in LV it does not take a genius to know that it this weight is increased to 15 pounds the EVs will have serious competition as there are other excellent air rifles that will be allowed to compete. So by giving "protection" to the EVs we are excluding shooters who are ready to join but the weight limit only is keeping them out. Air Arms are indeed in a very fortunate position on this matter. Don't get me wrong, I love the EV and am sure we all agree that it is probably the gun to beat.

We are shooting in two official Air Rifle WRABF classes only. So as for myself I travel to the Worlds and incur lots of costs to compete for two days. The Rimfire guys compete for six days as they have got their classes sussed out a long time ago and we are the ugly cousin with two classes. Would rimfire guys vote for more AR classes?

Now lets consider the practicalities of changing the rules or ad more classes. It is my impression and I got it from Nick Schoonwinkel (maybe Bill can clarify) that rules can only be changed at a Worlds AGM and then it will take a year to come into effect. So no quick fix here.

In many countries you could be branded as a criminal it you are caught with a >12FPE air rifle!! So in these countries it is practically impossible to own a licensed rifle >12 FPE. Another problem is that the European ranges does not cater for 50 meter/yards (so I am told and stand to be corrected) and it would be difficult for shooters to actually shoot in these classes. Thus even if we are able to get new classes approved it will make no sense if only one or two countries can participate.

The time that it would take to run a Worlds with say ten odd classes (RF and AR) would make it impossible to host. It would take forever to finish, cost a lot of money and consider traveling with all those rifles and baggage.

In conclusion I am saddened by the fact that our proposal resulted into less classes but am of the opinion that the will to canvas for these proposals was not there and we have to see what the future holds. Upping the weight limit on LV is an easy one and should bring more shooters into the fold but it will not bring more classes to WRABF.

Gert van Wyk

Boy, do I wish you and I had sat down together while in South Carolina. With what you have just said we could have had quite a long, and friendly discussion.

All we are going to end up doing over here is to take what the WRABF has provided us with for a baseline, then adding what makes sense for our country's laws, which is pretty much anything goes over here. We're lucky! But, I do agree 100% with what you are saying about increasing the LV weight limit as it would definitely add to the mix of what could be used. And with where it's at now, even the EV's have trouble making weight without a total stock change, so why not increase it by 1 pound, or even a half pound?

It's late and I've got to get to bed, so will catch up with you at some later date, I'm sure.

Dave Shattuck
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Currently we shoot (in South Africa) LV with a 12.5lbs weight limit.
We shoot HV-B WRABF rules - 20fpe & 15lbs weight limit.

Then we added the "Open" class - 30fpe & 15lbs weight limit (we shoot this class at 50m). The idea is to get this class approved by the WRABF in future so we end up with 3 classes. I believe some clubs and countries have a problem with space so 50m/y can change to 25m for this class. IMO if you only shoot this class at 25m you can even go to 28fpe and 15lbs weight limit. You then end up with a 12fpe, 20fpe and 28-30fpe class - think the original classes were to close at 12fpe, 15fpe and 20fpe.

Paul van Gass
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Rules the WRABF and majority decisions.

Yes Gert, the rules are usually looked at each general meeting at a Championships as was done in the USA. Each Country has a chance to vote either by their delegate or by proxy as the agenda is generaaly set before hand as was the case last month. Both myself as President and the Secretary do not vote, i only vote if their is drawn vote and this did not happen in the USA. So in short the rule changes decided and voted on pretty convincingly in each case will be set for the next 4 years unless something drastic changes.

At this point especially in this US Air Forum that does seem to get out of hand at times and a little self centred (sorry but it's the truth) i want to state that the WRABF will never please everyone but if we can please a majority of the particpating countries around the world that is a good thing. The events and championship # 2 held in the USA was a success and i will say personally at this stage we have it right looking at participation, sponsorship and passion shown at the event.

As the WRABF grows and gets more experience who knows what the future holds execept that it will always be dealing with many different ideas, laws, countries and language barriers that will be overcome one way or another for the good of the sport.

Damn straight about not being able to please all of the people all of the time. You have to go with the majority!

In no way was I campaigning for any changes to the International Rules by trying to include anything beyond what is already there. As I have stated many times in the past, we are only trying to use the WRABF Rules as a basis for getting something off the ground over here so that we will be in compliance with the now two existing Classes so that we will be ready to participate in any Postals and/or Championships. Anything above and beyond that is only for our own benefit since, as I have said before, where we are allowed to legally own such a broad spectrum of guns we are trying at the same time to also give those shooters among us who have no interest in complying with the lower power levels a place to compete.

There is no reason to exclude the unlimited class. It changes nothing in regards to the other classes, and who knows, you don't know, I don't know, but what if the new classes turned out to be very popular. The rules are fine now. If one of these are deemed a bastard class in two years, it can be dropped then, but let's give these classes a chance.

I see Dave, that is fine most counties especially in rimfire have slightly different rules and classes including us down here in OZ, then come into line of the World champs and their rules. If you guys are discusing your rules that is ok it just seems to me the Wrabf and my name comes up a fair bit.

Thanks for you inputs in clearing up some of these questions. If countries wants to canvas for adding/omitting classes in 4 years time one cannot start doing that 3 months before a Worlds Championships. As I am new to this sport and probably other members as well we have very little understanding in how some of these things are put together.

Are all the affiliated countries shooting RF and AR?

Interesting thread ! and one that's close to my heart,

In SA we have to travel long distances (read very early mornings) to get to a league or open shoot!

This weekend for example the missus and i will have to get up at 3AM to make a shoot!

My point is that to spend this kind of money, time and energy for two events will not attract much interest amongst my fellow shooters

Hence we currently shoot 5 events nationaly, in a nut shell they are

1. Sporter, 12 Fpe 10.5 Lb std gun, shot at 25 m, no modification,no Reg and max 12 x power scope, the idea here was to leave the equipment race behind so as to attract newcomers
2. LV 15 Fpe 15 LB gun shot at 25 m
3.HV 20Fpe 15Lb gun shot at 25 m
4.Unlimited, which is in fact limited? to 30 Fpe and 15LB gun shot for score at 50 m
5, Unlimited, which is in fact limited? to 30 Fpe and 15LB gun shot for best average group (5 x 5 shots) at 50m

This is working well for us and the growth in the sport, over a very short period has been phenomenal !

Right now I think the only error we made is the sporter class as it has not had the desired effect of attracting the shooters we thought it may !

I would like to see this class revert back to LV but as Gert already stated with a much higher weight restriction, to allow the Feinwerkbau's, Walther Dommis etc to compete, Even the AA MPR with a decent Laminate purpose built stock will battle to make the silly 10.5 Lb limit, unless you are prepared to shoot without a scope !

The best way IMHO to attract shooters is to have "Fun" Promotional shoots, the attraction of the 100m and 50m events is awesome, particularly if the shooters are prepared to lend their rifles !

Im not sure if two classes will ever be enough for me. I'm pretty sure I will never be in a position where I can Justify spending in excess of 50K to travel to a far off country to shoot in just two events, no matter how much I would like to meet them peoples over da seas in person

I understand that there has to be a std set of international rules and specifications so that all are on the same page when they get together, However, In the interim 4 year period, its makes sense to me that local organisations, create their own rules and regulations that comply with their local laws, shooting range availability and facilities and the general interest shown by the majority of competitors !

Thats my 2c

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