I am at my wits end!!!!

I hate to bother you guy's but just shot a match and have our Canadian National match next week end.[
I shoot off of a Farley 2 front rest ( for the last 2 years ) due to arthritis. Bat action Krieger bbl. and have shot benchrest for 10 years. Before this last match I put a set of Butches tension screws in the rest. I also put on a new Krieger bbl. to break in the day prior to the match. The bbl. I had on was shooting very well and friday the new bbl. was also.
At 100 yds. saturday it started to shoot 3's and 2's and 4's and 1's with some vertical, but continued thinking it was normal break in.
At 200 the next day it continued to show vertical only increased to the point that I felt the bbl. was no good. Switched to the known good bbl. and still showed same vertical, switched to a known good scope and same, switched rear bag worse, shot free recoil, pinned,and not holding the joy stick with all showing the identical string, switched to a proven front rest problem solved. The vertical would go down in a straight line from first shot in the bottom of moth ball to the bottom of the record target. There were 3 world team competitors at the match and all watched me shoot and felt there was no condition to possibly give me that type of group.
My question is can there be a problem with the mechanical part of the rest after I changed the tension screws, or is it a bag problem? The front bag is an Edgewood. I took a few days off from work and will go to the range tomorrow and see what I can do. Just hoping someone here has run into this and can give me a place to start. I thought it was gun handling due to the size of the groups, but as soon as I had no vertical from a good rest am sure it is something to do with the front rest.
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as tony said

the big shoot in western canada is in 4 days and I leave tonight so can we assist,
Tony...in the body of your thread you stated.." switched to a proven front rest problem solved"...
I assume that by switching to another rest you rifle began to shoot at a competitive level again..???
If that is so...you had better stay with the proven front rest and let another shooter use the front rest that is giving you problems and verify that the rest is a problem for anyone...I can't believe that by installing the "Lambert" tension screws has caused the Farley rest to induce vertical in your groups..If is is then my best guess is that the tension screws are too tight and recoil is letting the rest head pop up or drop...replace the "Lambert" tension screws with the original equipment screws and see if the problem goes away...
I am thinking I did something wrong when I installed them? Possibly they were too tight or too loose, but is there anything in the mechanism that could move that much when holding the stick? I am going to the range tomorrow to play with it. The only other thing I can see is a bag problem, but can't believe I could get that large a group from an over or under filled bag. Changing to another rest resulted in a group that was in the mid 3s, and had no vertical whatsoever.
I am thinking I did something wrong when I installed them? Possibly they were too tight or too loose, but is there anything in the mechanism that could move that much when holding the stick? I am going to the range tomorrow to play with it. The only other thing I can see is a bag problem, but can't believe I could get that large a group from an over or under filled bag. Changing to another rest resulted in a group that was in the mid 3s, and had no vertical whatsoever.

How could it be a bag problem if the same bag and rest worked fine before changing to the new tensioned screws?

You have answered your own question, the problem has to be with the new tension screws and how they were installed or a change to the rest that occurred during the tension screw installation.

You seem to have the problem pretty well narrowed down, now just reverse engineer the installation of the tension screws to get to the exact culpret................Don

don't change a thing......;)

Sophomor like me needs all the help I can get.........

See you in Regina.

Loosened the tension a bit and dumped a little sand out of the bag and it is back to normal. I think I was getting carried away with the tension, or had it set uneven!!!! I am always figuring out the problem after the match is over. Going to have to work on that!!!
Thanks for all the replies.
Loosened the tension a bit and dumped a little sand out of the bag and it is back to normal. I think I was getting carried away with the tension, or had it set uneven!!!! I am always figuring out the problem after the match is over. Going to have to work on that!!!
Thanks for all the replies.

Hi Tony, nice to hear you're still around! I had the exact same problem with a farley rest at WBC10, resulted in the same verticals, etc, etc. Used different rest, problem solved. Turned out to be tension and dirt in mechanism... not a good combination to get wrong...

Gerrit van Rooyen (ex Namibia)