Hurricane Sandy Pays Visit to 79th Annual Shelby County Fall Finale Match!

1,027 shooters from the NBRSA Eastern region braved some windy and wet conditions from an early visit from Hurricane Sandy this past weekend at the Shelby County Deer Hunters Fall Finale Group Match. This was a far cry from the warm weather we were hoping for our last match of the year… However, It was truly great to see many old and new shooting friends at the Shelby County Group matches.

Bill Truman made a welcomed re-appearance to the Eastern region Shelby County match, after a brief 10-year sabbatical, along with a cameo appearance from Mr. Savage, Fred Moreo. New shooters, Patrick Kennedy and Jay Fouts both displayed some great potential in coping with switching winds and the cold our new "friend" Sandy brought to us all.

Danny Pritt and Tim “Humph” Humphreys came up from the Eastern Region “Hill Country” to provide us all with some valuable wind shoot’in lessons from the hollar and many laughs. (Tim tells me poaching session is a year ‘round season in “Hill Country”)

Here’s the recap from our match!
LV100 Agg:

Joe Krupa displayed his immense skills with a very nice .2110” winning agg. Ted Heindselman and Danny Pritt also displayed their great form for handeling windy and wet conditions with their 3rd and 4th place finishes. Bill Truman showed he lost none of his skills from a 10-year lay off with a solid 5th place finish as well. Welcome back, Bill! It was great to see you again! (If you could only get our lost pal, Brad Lewis to get his BR rifle back from the local Pawn Shop to shoot with us next year…)
1.) Joe Krupa: .2110”
2.) Jack Neary: .2658”
3.) Ted Heindselman: .2876”
4.) Danny Pritt: .2890”
5.) Bill Truman: .3032”

The members of Shelby County put on a great breakfast and lunch for all the shooters all weekend. It was great to grab a hot bowl of chili and a sandwich to keep you warm before braving the wrath of our uninvited guest, Hurricane Sandy as we again were tested for the HV100 afternoon agg.

HV100 Agg:
Danny Pritt showed his HOF potential by handling some very nasty and rain in your face conditions with his strong 1st place finish. Fred Moreo had his pet Savage rifle dialed-in with a fine 3rd place finish. And new shooter, Pat Kennedy display while he will soon be a force in the game with a fine 4th place finish! Lowell Hottenstein, (Mr. Consistent) also display his future HOF status with a fine 5th place finish!

1.) Danny Pritt: 2606”
2.) Jack Neary: 3178”
3.) Fred Moreo: .3436”
4.) Patrick Kennedy: .3480”
5.) Lowell Hottenstein: .3572”

On to the 200yd stage….
Sunday morning greeted us with some very nice 42 degree temps and some easy-switchy 20-80mph winds, but… with very little rain! (Hey, it could have been worse…. I didn’t get smacked in the head one time with the flag stand rolled-up in the bottom of the tarp that “Humph” and Danny hung in front of my bench to keep the cool refreshing ocean spray out of my eyes while I shot… Geez…)

HV200 Agg:

Ted Heindselman displayed some very fine wind shooting all weekend. In displaying some very fine wind reading skills, Ted won both 200yd aggs on Sunday. Tim Humphrey maintained his focus with a fine 3rd place finish and Joey Krupa finshed 4th in showing the wind who’s the boss. Jim Hole was unfazed with the cold switching winds with a very fine 5th place finish! Very nice, Jim!
1.) Ted Heindselman: .3021”
2.) Jack Neary: .3345”
3.) Tim “Humph” Humphreys: .4050”
4.) Joe E. Krupa: 4243”
5.) Jim Hole: .4360”

The HV Grand Agg. – Top 10 Places
1.) Jack Neary: .3262”
2.) Danny Pritt: .3633”
3.) Ted Heindselmann: .3647”
4.) Tim Humphreys: .4120”
5.) Bill Truman: .4160”
6.) Jim Hole: .4221”
7.) Dave Farrar: .4249”
8.) Fred Moreo: .4335”
9.) Chuck Green: .4545”
10.) Lowell Hottenstein: .4997”

On to the our final aggregate, the LV200…

Once again, the fearless Ted Heindselman showed his excellent form in taking the 1st place finish. Fred Moreo armed with his trusty Savage was 3rd and Jim Hole and Joe Krupa finished our last 200 aggregate with fine 4th and 5th place respective finishes!
1.) Ted Heindselman: .3316”
2.) Jack Neary: .3568”
3.) Fred Moreo: .4168”
4.) Jim Hole: .4212”
5.) Joe Krupa: .4330”

The final LV Grand Agg: Top 10 Places:
1.) Ted Heindselman: .3096”
2.) Jack Neary: 3122”
3.) Joe E. Krupa: .3220”
4.) Jim Hole: .3672”
5.) Danny Pritt: .3853”
6.) Fred Moreo: .4046”
7.) Dana Raven: 4272”
8.) Tim Humphreys: .4286”
9.) Bill Truman: .4304”
10.) Dave Farrar: 4305”

The 2-Gun Top 20 Places:
1.) Jack Neary: .3192”
2.) Ted Heindselman: .3371”
3.) Danny Pritt: .3743”
4.) Jim Hole: .3947”
5.) Fred Moreo: .4190”
6.) Tim Humphreys: .4203”
7.) Bill Truman: .4232”
8.) Dave Farrar: .4277”
9.) Lowell Hottenstein: .4979”
10.) Andy Sells: .5083”
11.) Jerry Jarrett: .5142”
12.) Patrick Kennedy: .5160”
13.) Dominc Grunas: .5245”
14.) John Grice: .5276”
15.) Chuck Green: .5281”
16.) Dana Raven: .5461”
17.) Pat Metcalf: 5609”
18.) Joe Krupa: 5906” (Damn cross-fires…)
19.) John Petteruti: 6086”
20.) Tillman Hay: .6687”

I was very proud of all the Eastern Region shooters who fought all weekend through the cold and windy conditions. Each and everyone got caught with some very ugly groups.... Together, we each prevailed and all who attended left with greater confidence and... skills to shoot well when the wind blows hard.. both ways...very quickly...!

A very special thanks to Match Director, John Petteruti and the entire membership of the Shelby County Deer Hunters Association for their Scoring, Rangemaster’s Jerry Seitz and Jerry Stewart, Kitchen and the Target crews for all their tireless efforts and continued support of this match during cold, windy and wet conditions. The match ran extremely well at one of the nicest ranges we are VERY fortunate to visit in the NBRSA Eastern Region!

We look forward to seeing you with even greater numbers
in 2013!

As a reminder, please don't forget to attend the NBRSA Eastern Region annual meeting November 10th at 10AM at the Galaxy Restaurant in Wadsworth, OH.
See you there!

Jack Neary
NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
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1,027 shooters from the NBRSA Eastern region braved some windy and wet conditions from an early visit from Hurricane Sandy this past weekend at the Shelby County Deer Hunters Fall Finale Group Match.
I've never heard of a match with over 1,000 benchrest shooters -- It must have taken days to run with that many participants.

Heck, I've never head of a benchrest match where that number even showed up to watch.
1,027 Shooters

I like the attendance numbers for this match. It's a great way to grow the Sport. It's called " Creative Marketing"

I also like the top twenty results out of 27 Shooters.

If I could just remember which Pawn Shop,...........
You shut the rain off once this year buddy and we saw how that worked out. I've got it from here if you don't mind.

BTW, wife said that Danny was nice when he called,.......
Hey Brad,
There is a match in Delphos next weekend (11/11/12) If you can rember what Pawn shop your rifle is at, and you can get it out of hawk, we would be glad to see you there.
Jack your welcome to come too.
I think John Mangus said something about providing surf and turf, for the first 400 registered shooters. He was going to Western Sizzlin on the way in to pick them up. There will be Pony rides.
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I,m waiting on the check to get here from Jack Neary for the Surf and Turf. Bill Truman and Fred Moreo will provide the Pony rides. If Jack Neary and Brad Lewis show up the they will provide the side show. I think it,s a skinny dipping contest. More to come.
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