Huntsman world senior games

Dave B

New member
Every October they hold a senior olympic type venue here. It attracts 8 to 10 thousand
People 55 and older for some very serious competition.
This year they have added 3 days of 22 rimfire benchrest to be held at 50 yards. 20 minutes for 25 targets
You might want to look into it.
Huntsman senior games
If I read the brochure correctly it's 200 targets/rounds per day broken into eight 25 target courses per day for a total of 600 rounds over three days. There is a preliminary warm up the day before the scoring targets. Figuring how many rounds you will fire varies but I would assume easily over 700 rounds for the whole four days.Good ammo is hard to come by and not cheap when you can find it. Then there is travel time and lodging expenses. Not a poor man's competition. That said, I won't be competing this year but may in the future. Now to buy some lotto tickets, make an appointment to test ammo at the Lapua site in Mesa and finagel a ride to St. George.
world games

They way I understand it it's 8 targets of 25 record each for 3 days. As with any major match,
when you look at travel and hotel expense it's pricy but on the other hand.....what's not? Good ammo cost the same. regardless of where you shoot it.