Hunter Class Front Rest Stabilizer Plate



Is a heavy metal plate or Superfeet under the front rest legal in Hunter Class or Varment NBRSA matches ?
Doesn't anybody shoot Hunter Class BR anymore or did I post my question on the wrong forum? I read the NBRSA rules and I'm just trying to confirm my findings if I read them right on not. The way I understand the rule is that nothing at all is legal under the front rest in Hunter Class and Superfeet is allowed only in Varmint class. In unlimited class aything goes. Did I read the rules right or not? Surely someone knows the NBRSA Rules, Don't They?
fe1 ...

Surely someone knows the NBRSA Rules, Don't They?

You might go directly to the originating source. The number for the NBRSA Business Office is 405-842-9585. Ask for the name and number of the Chairman of the Rules Committee. :)
Anything goes for the front rest, except as stated above it can't be connected to the bench, or THE REAR BAG. They must be seperate, unless you are shooting unlimited class.

Doesn't anybody shoot Hunter Class BR anymore or did I post my question on the wrong forum? I read the NBRSA rules and I'm just trying to confirm my findings if I read them right on not. The way I understand the rule is that nothing at all is legal under the front rest in Hunter Class and Superfeet is allowed only in Varmint class. In unlimited class aything goes. Did I read the rules right or not? Surely someone knows the NBRSA Rules, Don't They?

You are interpreting the rules. You can shoot superfeet under your rest. And you can add a plate to your stock as long as 1) you make weight and 2) your plate is 2.25" or smaller. Bring it out and shoot.

David J. Halblom Sr.
NBRSA HBR Committee Chairman
David, So you cannot use a metal plate under the front rest feet correct? I tried to call you about this about an hour ago and left you a message.
Thank You,
Floyd Elder
This is probably a little off subject, but kind of goes with the topic at hand. I was wondering if it would be legal to make essentially a one piece rest but the back of the rifle would be supported by your sandbag that fit into a spot on the rest. It would not be attached, but would always be in proper alignment with the front rest. The only down side I could see is that the rest itself would have to be somewhat wide to support a rear bag appropriately...Any doing anything like this???
