How wide will the lanes be for our wind flags? Will one target at a time be posted


Wayne Burns

or all three? And one more question please. Will targets be posted vertical or horizontal? .. well one more.. Will one countries team A shoot at the same time as another countries team A? Six shooters at a time... or is it nine (3 teams) at a time, mixed "A"s, "B"s, and "C"s? or is that way off base?

When will we see a schedule?.. I know that was way more than just one more:)

Why do I need to know these things.. I'll find out when it's time.. right?:)

Wayne Burns,
USA team "B" LV & "C" HV
Two years ago when I did the initial design of the world target I took a poll of US & International shooters on whether they wanted sighters on the top & bottom or on the sides.
90 % said they preferred the sides so if you look at the target the scoring boxes are numbered accordingly.
With that in mind I doubt you will know for sure until you set up your rifle & look thru the scope.

The target frames are about 5 feet apart so that should give you a good idea of the lane width & only one target will be hung at a time.

Maybe Mr. Young will announce beforehand the Squadding Procedures: to include bench drawing & rotation?

The Following is the Schedule that is posted on the WRABF website:
MONDAY 1/8/11 - International Sporter 25M Rimfire + AWARDS PRESENTATION
TUESDAY 2/8/11 - Light Varmint 25M Rimfire + AWARDS PRESENTATION
WEDNESDAY 3/8/11 - Heavy Varmint 25M Rimfire + AWARDS PRESENTATION
THURSDAY 4/8/11 - International Sporter 50M Rimfire + AWARDS PRESENTATION
FRIDAY 5/8/11 - Light Varmint 50M Rimfire + AWARDS PRESENTATION
or all three? And one more question please. Will targets be posted vertical or horizontal? .. well one more.. Will one countries team A shoot at the same time as another countries team A? Six shooters at a time... or is it nine (3 teams) at a time, mixed "A"s, "B"s, and "C"s? or is that way off base?

When will we see a schedule?.. I know that was way more than just one more:)

Why do I need to know these things.. I'll find out when it's time.. right?:)

Wayne Burns,
USA team "B" LV & "C" HV

Vertical or Horizintal not sure to be honest, but we still have to hit the middle of each target either way.
Lanes are wide enough for flags.
Benches and rotations will be drawn randomly there is no rules saying teams have to shoot together etc.
The schedule has been on for months and Doug has also posted below.

Hope these answers help you.
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I had seen the overall schedule that LV airgun was on Sat. and HV on Sun. I was wondering how those days will be scheduled. Random drawn rotations is the answer I was looking for. I have heard that some folks will be sharing air rifles, (the USA team included), so I just wondered how that would be worked out.

Now, that I have my uppy-downy flags too, (can I use all four of my flags)??.. I'm just wondering how spread out they can be placed. Do I have to keep them on one side only of my pellet path... in a straight row? Or can I use say 6' wide and have one on the other side of my pellet path too? I kind of like seeing what's happening on both sides if possible...
sorry to be a bother..
I'll quit asking questions and get back to practice:)

Wayne Burns
Since Your lane is approximately 5 feet wide so you should be allowed to put your flags anywhere in your lane that you want.
One thing to consider is that you could be sharing your lane with 3 other shooters & their flags.
The placement & moving of flags is usually up to the Match Director.
Typically all flags have to be set up before the match and can only be moved when all the shooters rotate benches. Probably the best thing is to contact Mr. Young beforehand and find out what his policy is going to be so there won’t be any surprises the day of the match.
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Off to a tournamnet Wayne but the quick answer is you should contact your team captain in regards to sharing rifles. All Team Captains were sent numerous emails requesting if anyone was sharing gear so that those people could be accomodated in regards to sharing benches.
As Bill pointed out we have the rules on the WRABF site. It´s not easy to learn the procedures because these events are not conducted more frequently than every second year. I´m quite new to rimfire shooting but the only competitions I have been attending are competitions that were conducted according the these rules. Basically the EC(European Championships) have the same rules. At last EC we shot every card from a new bench. This means a lot of work for the organizing committe´and also for the shooters(teams) Ie You put up Your flags between every new card. This means that a country having three (3) teams needs a certain amount of flags and also need to plan who will do what. This is a lot of work but it is fair to every team and shooter.
As far as it comes to targets I can´t see any other possability than that they will be hung horisontally just as they are printed, sighters to the left and the right, numbers in a row, 1 - 5 and so on.
This might be confusing for You USA shooters because You are lucky enough to have several different leagues that You shoot, ARA, IR/IR 50, PSL etc. but in a way it all goes down to one thing, center-hittings and windreading. And of course this is all the same for air-rifle too. Well I just figured out that I maybe mixed up my thoughts a little bit as I will shoot both rf and air. Anyhow, great times ahead;)

See Ya all soon.......

Jens L
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Thanks everyone.

I like shooting targets horizontal better with my front rest. Yep we here in the wild west play lots of different BR games. I like the Ten groups of Three game, at 50 yards with unlimited fpe. I'm dialing down a 32fpe .22 cal rig now that played that game well.. at least for the very short time I've been doing this fun bench rest thing:).. I'm going to see if she will shoot at 19fpe at 25m. I'm still not sure at 25m if .177 cal isn't a little better than .22. But the results are so hard to compare... I'll probably bring both for HV.

I look forward to meeting all you folks!!

Wayne Burns, team USA
Check your PM's and get in touch with me. I've shot a little bit of BR and can give you a rundown on "normal" match procedures.
Todd Banks (your 12fpe "B" team mate)

I'm your other 12 fpe teammate so thought I should jump in here and offer up a thought or two about how your targets are hung.

As Todd will attest to, I usually shoot my targets from bottom to top no matter how they are hung. When shooting from a two-piece rest I will start with the lower left-hand target and going up from there, then (unless an absolutely super condition has show itself) I'll dropping back down and move one line to the right. The only thing I do differently when using a one-piece rest is that I will start in the lower right and move across line-to-line to the left.

I learned this when my good friend Inez Myers explained how you are not only always loading your rest in both directions by shooting this way, but it also makes it much easier and faster to run a string of shots if a condition shows itself for very long as, not only are you constantly loading the rest, but your rifle is always naturally settled into the rest because of the direction of movement.

As a few before me have said: whether your targets are hung Vertically or Horizontally makes no difference as it's only the center ring you should be interested in, not the target number. To me, the bigger issue is that my targets are all hung level!

When you sit down at your bench, shoot your Sighters, then move onto your target and shoot it in the same manner as you always have (left to right, right to left, up and down, it makes no difference). By doing so you will be doing what you are use to, and what is most comfortable to you. Don't worry about how your target is hung as, once you're off your sighters, everything will look the same to you anyway, and every shot will still have to travel 25M to do what you want it to do.

I hope this helped.

No, it DOES make a difference! I have practiced usig several sequences, and, though it is easier to start at the top left, workig to the right, then dropping down a row and working left til its all done, this is NOT the way the target was INTENDED to be used. I know I can shoot more smoothly and "waste" less time using other sequencing, but I have spent some time practicing so as to take them all "in proper order".

The target number sequence is meant to be the sequence used to fire on them, and the tie-breaking method supposedly relies on the targets being fired in the correct and same order by ALL competitiors. I realize many shooter "prefer" other sequences, but frankly, unless the targets cannot be mounted on the frames to be supplied, I see no valid reason for the targets to not b e used the wy they were designed to be.

I understand about the movement and loading of the rests, and I know some sequences are considerable handier and faster than oters, but this IS the Worlds, rght?
Hi Dave,

I'm wondering with the "first miss" part of the game involved, will that mean we have to shoot them as they are numbered? .. or maybe it won't matter, but they will score the card as if one shot it by order of the numbers. I think I know what you mean.. I like to hang targets horizontal, and start on the bottom left and work across and up a row, and back across and up a row etc.. sighters are always close at hand to test a "new condition" if necessary. .. and I guess that is keeping the front rest "loaded" as I go.

Wayne Burns
The rules clearly state how first misses are counted they start at target the #1 target and keep going till the fist miss or if all tens they look for the first X miss. Some of you guys are just making this too hard to be honest.

We also have a day of practice and technical meeting before the event for all team captains.
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The rules clearly state how first misses are counted they start at target the #1 target and keep going till the fist miss or if all tens they look for the first X miss. Some of you guys are just making this too hard to be honest.

We also have a day of practice and technical meeting before the event for all team captains.

Haven't read them but this seems a valid point re orientation and sequence of fire.

A little clarification before the start of the event may prove conducive in stopping bad practice and reducing points of contention during the match.

The question or statement saying the target must be shot in sequential numerical order, is that correct or in-correct? as I for one have my own fixed pattern that is certainly not in numerical order and if I am doing it incorrectly I would like to know now not in South Carolina so I can at least practice my already wobbly technique in the correct pattern.

Mr President?

Andy i dont believe targets have to be shot in order, it would be near impossible to police unless we had a spotter on every target. Lately to avoid missing that last target i start at the bottom and work up, it's a mental thing but has helped.
If anyone is good enough to know where they are going to hit their first miss none of us have a chance at beating them :)

You can shoot Your target in whatever sequence You like but the target crew are just ordinary guys that read from left to right and counts one,two, three and so on. So they will place Your first miss according to this system. This will not of course happen as this is WC level. Sometimes shooters get some bad ammo so there is a theoretical possability for it.
Nobody will follow Your shooting patterns, exept and hopefully Your team mates.
The rules here are no different than with any of the other discipline of benchrest when it comes to the hanging of the targets, how it is intended to be shot, or determining the "first miss". However, nowhere does it state that a target has to be shot starting with target #1, then proceeding in numerical order until the final target #25 has lastly been shot.

To each there own, and I strongly suggest to anyone reading this that you shoot your targets as you always have as that is what you are comfortable and familiar with. In the end it will make little if any difference if you have started with target #1, then move across to the right, drop down and move back across to the left forming a figure 8 pattern, if you shoot all the targets moving from left to right, if you shoot the outside circle of targets, then move inward toward the center, randomly select the target to be shot, or do I as do long as you stick with what you're comfortable with!

Just my 2¢ worth, and I'm sticking to it

I think the answers are now solved. Now to more important things Mr Simmo, please call me Bill and let's leave the Mr President thing as i imagine it to Marilyn Monroe or maybe Gweneth Partlow would be acceptable, look forward to meeting you in SC.