How to upgrade Anschutz's 1913 firing pin springs



Hya Guys,
Just to follow on from a thread on a forum that was about firing pin springs on Anschutz’s 1913, I’ve done a video that shows how to disassemble a bolt and upgrade the springs to Wolf Springs and the advantage that you may get. It also shows the difference on the imprint on a shell casing between the original and upgrade springs. You can view the video at in the video section.

Andy I think that your FP point is much too thin and needs to be widened, and remove some of the tip on the outside of the pin. I dont understand the need to increase the spring pressure on the Super match Anschutz. Anschutz springs are excelent as is if one will widen the inpact print.

Hi Clarence,
I'm not a gunsmith and wouldn't go down the road of messing with the firing pin head myself, but understand your point of view on this. Changing the springs was a test I did sometime ago which was written on Target Shooter Magazine. As I've pointed out this seems to work for me and people will have different views which is what this is all about in rimfire accuracy. If hadn't found any difference between the spring pressure then I would have left it alone, but as I've said it seems to work for me.
