how to tune ?



How about someone telling how to tune a rimfire with out getting into all the virbration barrel stopage from start to finnish what you do. Tx
Tx, this is what I have been doing. 3 speeds of eley 1044 1077 and my best shooting lot 1056 speed. old sidewinder did this with 2 lots and he says his rifle never shot better. and I am in the middle of testing an m-12 with 2 speeds and so far it looks promising. start with no weight on the tuner. use a usbr target. make 3 piles of ammo, 1 each speed. shoot a couple of filing shots then at 025 on the tuner shoot 1 round from each speed at bull #1 then set tuner to 50 go to bull #2 and continue in increments of 25 untill 500 on tuner. replace the target with a new one. analyze the target just shot and pick the least verticle setting, the idea is to see if the tuner will shoot without weights. then set the tuner to the best spot, add the 1oz adapter shoot the 3 speeds at #1 bull, add 1/2 oz increments and continue to shoot at bull#2 and so on. it has been my experience that when too much weight has been added the shots will string worse than any group shot without a tuner. from there pick the best or if 2 are the same you will need to test those settings 1 will be the best. and from there I go 10 clicks before and 10 clicks after an 5 clicks before and after again shooting groups. from ther I use my best ammo to try a couple clicks each way. it's worked so far maybe someone has a faster way. I veiw the work prior to putting a tuner on actually tuning the rifle, once the tuner is on it becomes a timing issue. it's best to do this in winds that are favorable to a shooter. always use the same ammo mfg. if you have a cronograph I think it would be even easier.
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tx for your reply

Martin tx for taking the time to do this Im so tired of all the tec of vibes nobody want to get to what it takes .This is what I Do I lossen the stock and start a 25 in pds on the front and back then shoot 5 shoot groups disregaurd the frist shot go 2 pounds till y0u find the best group my guns shoot better with more touque on the front the more weight I put on the front of the gun the more tougue the front bolt takes. my shul takes 37 front 32 back in pounds my 40x takes 40 front 36 back then I set my tunner on 0 and then I put my mid tunner back to the stock move 1 in at a time then when the gun finds its spot and it will move a 1/4 at a time when you got that mark front and back and take it off now go t0 the tunner and do the same thing when you find this snug it down and I mean snug not tight then put the other where you marked it and it takes 2 mid barrels tunners then go to the place where gun shot the best with the tunner. If just starting go to about 250 then go front 10 back 10 this works for me My gun shoot vary well
wboonville this is my opinion and just that. a mid-barrel tuner defeats the purpose of a tuner! 2 mid-barrel tuners defeats the purpose of a tuner x2. take those mid barrel dampners off, take the tuner off, set the action screws to the best group. put the tuner on and follow my instructions and you rifle will shoot. that's a fact. I have shot multiple 250's in practice with 3 different speeds of black box and 2 different speeds of team. my best has been a 250 with 23x's and it is a factory barrel on a 40x. if you are just about setting your tuner it's only set for a particular speed and lot of ammo and when you run out of that ammo the tuning starts all over again. your rifle your choice, I just wouldn't want to shoot that way.
Chronograph makes it easier


Why would a chronograph make it easier and how would you implement it into your procedure?

Also, I'll be looking for your write up of the full tuning procedure your are now doing with the M-12. :)

without a chronograph you need to rely on eley's claim to speed. M Knarr posted the variance he chronographed, it would add certainty with bringing multiple speeds together. it's just an additional check. in addition to the 40x I have a 82g set up the same way, it is right close to the 40x in accuracy and I'm thinking if it had a bench rest stock it may outshoot the 40x. it also has shot multiple 250's with team and black box on practice targets.
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