how much striker sear engagement ??



I'm just setting up a BR rifle I've built and was wondering how much striker sear to trigger engagement is needed.
I have approx. .040" and it doesn't seem to hold. I can increase it to approx. .075" max. will this be enough ?
It's a mod. 700 type action & jewel trigger.
Are there any specs. out there on these actions & triggers ?
I set up my Jewell triggers by turning the sear engagement screw in until the sear breaks and then back the screw off 1/2 turn. That's the method recommended in the Jewell trigger instructions. You can adjust from there either way to make sure you have enough sear engagement making sure that the sear will not release when slamming the bolt shut or dropping the rifle on the butt from a foot or two above the floor. (Unloaded, of course, on any trigger adjustments or testing.)