How many use free recoil- rimfire b.r. ?



Does anyone have an estimate or guess on how many of the top rimfire bench rest shooters, shoot free recoil? thanks joe:)
Cash or merchandise?

It would have to be merchandise -not much cash left here, i seemed to caught an affliction reading this site "rimfire addict". I have spent everything i had trying to find a cure...
I know i'm close, real close... if i just had a tuner for this Shilen....................... :D joe:)
Most folks I see shoot the big rifles free recoil. I shoot IR5050 3-gun and with my sporter class rifles, I hold them lightly. One of my sporters, I shoot like a hunting rifle with my cheek on the stock and a light grip. It don't mind being held, and I get to rest a bit by laying my head on the stock:)
Get it in the mail

I'll get it in the mail, next time I have a driver. These rehab trips on the local bus system sucks.
I'll get it in the mail, next time I have a driver. These rehab trips on the local bus system sucks.

Mr. Fred i hope everything is ok with you :). When you get a chance i would appreciate it. thank you joe
I don't qualify as one of the top shooters, YET!, I not only shoot free recoil I keep my head up above the scope to watch the flags and pull the trigger with the index finger of my left hand when shooting a one piece rest. The rifle is held in the rest with bungee cords to enhance return after recoil. I look in the scope after the shot to see the X. Don Stith taught me how to do this. I try to never touch the rifle or bench in any way once loaded except left hand index finger to the trigger blade. bob finger

I shoot both free recoil and regular hold. It depends on the rifle and rest setup. I have one rifle, that absolutely refuses to group well free recoil.
free recoil

in observing mr. joe beshe a pretty good shooter in my book. he is shooting free recoil. his head and anything else is completely off the stock and just his right finger touching the trigger.

i still cannot figure it out but am working on it. i cant make don stiths system work as yet.

I am not a great shooter, I use a Pappas rest, and I use bob fingers method and have always said the farther away I get from my gun the better it shoots. But it seems that some nights for some, unknown to me, reason bench choice, atmospheric conditions , or just bad karma, my gun likes to be lightly held and light shoulder pressure. Frustration is a great teacher
Hi Joe,

We are not in the "top shooter" category but...

Penny and I both free-recoil our heavy guns but hold our sporter with a firm grip.

I touch the rifle as little as possible and pinch the trigger. My rifle likes to just lay there and go bang.
i use a little hisnhers ky on the bottom and giver what she wants!
guns and girls are all different, some wanna be stroked in different ways some jest wanna be alone:D
We call it "Finger Pinchng" here in the UK were your finger is on the trigger and your thumb on the back of the trigger gaurd. I have been shooting like this for the past 2 years now and it has increased my shooting ten fold, its not for everyone though as friends have tried it and can't get on with it, specially if you have come from prone shooting into benchrest. Free reciol with finger pinching does work for those that stick at it.
