How many dry fire?


How many dry fire and what do you gain from it? Advantages/Disadvantages? I do it to check my bag/rest setup.
Good training exercise

How many dry fire and what do you gain from it? Advantages/Disadvantages? I do it to check my bag/rest setup.

When working with shooters in the tunnel, dry firing is always included in the regimen.

Dry firing should only be done with an empty case that has just been fired in the rifle and the spent primer left in place. This cushions the firing pin fall and more closely duplicates what actually happens when firing a live round.

Dry firing tests two things; (1) Rifle handling. (2) Rest and bag setup.

When the striker falls when dry firing, there should be no movement of the crosshair/point of aim. If the point of aim shifts when the striker falls, the most likely culprit is the shooter "loading the buttstock" with his shoulder or cheek. If there is a side load or download present when the striker falls, the rifle will shift in the bags and the shot will not go in the group.

Hope this helps

Gene Beggs
I dry fire quite often. I usually do it while in my living room. I walk down the street and place a 1" target spot on a light post about 100 yards away, then dry fire at that through my window.
When dry firing, I use a 'Snap Cap' to protect my firing pin from stress cracking. I cannot confirm nor deny (what Gene said above), whether a spent cartridge would suffice, but I'd recommend investing in a snap cap just to be safe.
I can't think of any disadvantages regarding dry firing, except maybe a loss of range time if you dry fire at the range only. There are several advantages however. I don't believe it possible for someone's shooting abilities to decline from too much practice. If anything, it can only help. Dry firing allows you to 'hone' your shooting skills without spending ammo, wear and tear on your barrel and cleaning products. It's quiet and can be done in your home. Most importantly, dry firing allows you to detect any shooting flaws you may have. When firing live ammo, the recoil and the blast of the shot tends to mask any flinching the shooter may be doing. In many cases, this flinching is mistaken as poor ammo or something wrong with the rifle or scope. Dry firing not only lets you verify your bag/rest setup, it allows you to practice your trigger control, follow through, detect flinching and several other things hard ammo would likely conceal.