How Many Barrels Do You Chamber At A Time?


Registered User
In shortrange centerfire benchrest it is common for shooters to chamber up a half dozen barrels at a time with some shooters doing more than a dozen.In longrange centerfire we see alot of multiple barrels done at the same time.

In talking with Bill Calfee on the phone one evening he told me the three most important things on a rimfire rifle are the barrel,barrel and barrel.

That being the case and knowing good barrels are always in short supply or heavy demand how many are the top dogs getting chambered up at each visit to there gunsmith? I realise they live considerably longer than a centerfire barrel just wanted to know how many you get chambered up with each new build?
I bought my gun used 3.5 seasons ago. I'm getting my first rebarrel this winter. Those that contend every year and every year out.....most rebarrel every year.....some more, some less.


a new gun I get 1 barrel to test the platform and once I know the platform works or I think it can work I then get 4 done,

having said that I am thinking of getting 6 or 8 done on a new project to make sure I get a good one

I certainly agree that the most important component that can be bought is the barrel. Like a friend told me nearly a lifetime ago, "If accuracy is not in the barrel it is not in the gun."

All good barrels cost about the same but some have the magic and some do not and the joke is the specs may be the same and they may be built on the same lathe by the same operator, and yet some are great shooters and some are not. One just never knows. The proof is in the shooting.

It would be nice to buy a stack of barrels and test them like we test ammo but they cost so much that most of us will live with what we have for a year or two. After all, the differences between a good barrel and a great barrel are very little and the shooter plays a part too.

Concho Bill
The difference is...if there is a difference...effectively..

Centerfire barrels change/degrade rather quickly and often you can't see it coming. Nice to have one "waiting in the wings" to screw on in the middle of a match. Rimfire folks don't normally travel with barrel vices and action wrenches.
I know a lot of the shooters change barrels rather quickly,,what I don`t see is any used ones for sale,,where they at???? I see a lot of center fire barrels,,but no rimfire..
the barrel is number 2. the shooter is number one(you can have the best barrel in the world. if you don't know how to use wind your screwed. i'm screwed, but i'm learning). i have a hart barrel right now(my smith said if it wasn't the tightest he had ever slugged it was #2). i also have a shilens 4 groove ratchet barrel. it has no choke in it. it stays tight from start to finish. it doesn't loosen up any at all. stays tight from start to finish. i was going to return it, but afer thinking about it i'm going keep it and try it out. if it stays tight and has no loose spots it should work. i guess my answer is 2 barrels for me, but i'm new. i'm a rookie. i'm nobody from no where and deserve my screen name. just ask. the best will tell you that.

in all honestly i have a suhl with a 1:16 3/4" twist factory barrel that could be the best rifle in the nation. it will out shoot me and i would have to give it to somebody like harry daneen(soryy harry. i can't spell) or d.j. hepler(i 'm sorry again, i simply can't spell). i'm not a good shooter but they are and they would tell you my rifle shoots(i'm not freaking martin either!!! i'm just simply nobody at all from kentucky who loves our sport). i have targets shot from 50 yards that would brake international records. i simply can't do what i myself needs to do to win. i'm ashamed of myself and it shows up at matches. i'd rather see my friends do well than do well myself. say what you like, but i take more enjoy meant from being around great people than i do shooting great cards.
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Mr Nobody,

You just got to learn to relax at a match, comes with experience. Remember the cardinal rule, "The bigger the match, the worse you shoot." Works for me. Don't try so hard and you'll shoot better. Shoot lots of sighters.
