How good is Russian brass


Roy Allain

How good is Monarch - Russian, Yugo, Serbian brass

I have some 500 pcs s of Monarch 308 brass. Headstamp ppu. It's made by Privi Partisan and Monarch.

I'm having a Kreiger SS barrel chambered with a PTG reamer in 308 match and a .335 neck.

I need to know if the Monarch brass will hold up a good as Winchester brass?
I'll be shooting at either 600 or 1000 yards.


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My bad Mike. Actually, it's Serbia. But still, is it any good?

I don't know how well it'll hold up compared to Win brass, but I came upon some PPU .223 brass that wouldn't fit any of the several .223 size shellholders I have from Redding, RCBS, and maybe Hornady. Otherwise it seemed okay for the use I had for it, but it was such a pain that I gave up on it.
I haven't had any "problems" with the brass, Larry, I'm just trying to find out if there are any problems.

Your's are the first ones I know about, so far.

The reason I bought several boxes of the 308 brass is it looked liked it had been annealed before it was packaged.

I pulled the bullets and powder, turned the necks, etc. They seem to shoot ok, but I've only put the brass thru 2 times, not
enought to see how long they will last.

I shoot the ppu brass in a Swiss K31 in bolt action military rifle matches we have. It seems to hold up quite well. I have not turned the necks but they seem to be pretty uniform. And I have not annealed any yet. Some have been fired quite a few times. Its not match but it holds up better than the Winchester that I have. I shoot medium loads and have to trim the Winchester more often than the ppu brass. Hope this helps.

it looked liked it had been annealed before it was packaged.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but brass is always annealed in the neck and shoulder during manufacture.

Most manufacturers then acid wash it to make it nice and shiny - who doesn't like shiny??

But we like the look of the annealing - I suspect it helps sell Lapua brass.

Mmm... Lapua...
