How did you do that?

Bill Wynne

Active member
I have been asked by one of our more congenial regulars, "How do you change the phrase below our names registered user to something more fitting to one's persona." I had to admit that I don't know but he won't accept that. He thinks that I am keeping him like an outsider.

We notice things like Vinny, Senior Jarhead, Debater to learn, and Donut Tester to name a few. That is kinda neat and personal like a tattoo or something.:)

Please, for our information, how do you do that?

Concho Bill
In User CP

click on Edit your Details

Then Type in what you want in the Custom User Title box & click the change button
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well I tried it

I tried changing it in user cp. this is a test to see if it worked.
I tried changing it in user cp. this is a test to see if it worked.

Gundogs, you old Senior Squid, it works.:)

And John Kielly, would you believe that we would have to ask a guy on the other side of the planet how to do that. Thanks.

Concho Bill