Hot blueing removal



Might be the wrong forum but I figured someone here would know. I am having a O/U shotgun re-blued and on the barrel block (believe mono bloc is proper term) the sides of it are jeweled. Do you think it would be possible after bluing to remove the bluing off this jeweling by using 0000 steel wool very lightly and still retain the jeweling?
try Naval Jelly and OOOO steel wool. Wipe it on, 15min, scrub it off. repeat..... wear gloves!

Try vinegar, get a tote or pan big enough to soak the parts for 1/2hr at a time, OOOO steel wool.

When this doesn't get it all polish the rest off using fine sandpaper.


Might be the wrong forum but I figured someone here would know. I am having a O/U shotgun re-blued and on the barrel block (believe mono bloc is proper term) the sides of it are jeweled. Do you think it would be possible after bluing to remove the bluing off this jeweling by using 0000 steel wool very lightly and still retain the jeweling?[/QUOTE

I don't know how this would work in your application but here is how we do it with jeweled bolts. We wrap the bolt body with plastic electrical tape leaving the handle exposed. Works good with hot blue.
Bluing a double barrel......

Hi....Are the barrels (and rib) soft or silver soldered? Hot bluing bath may affect the soft solder; in which case RUST BLUING is recommendes with the jeweling covered with plastic electrical tape or varnish(later removed with thinner).

Naval Jelly will leave the surface frosty and most likely remove the jeweling. Brichwood Casey makes a blueing& rust remover that is brush/mop on that should work well. I assume the jewelling is on the hiden surfaces when the action is closed. Jeweling is applied with either a abrasive inbedded in a rubber compound or a wire brush in a drill press with abrasive compound on the metal. OWLSHOP
Naval Jelly will leave the surface frosty and most likely remove the jeweling.

My bad..... I did not know this. I have used naval jelly to remove bluing for re-polish and blue, have never noticed a frosty or etched surface. I've never noticed pitting nor the need for extra polishing. I do not remember naval jelly having any effect on the substrate (metal)

I apologize
Hot blue for a double barrel??? No, no! Rust blue, and cover the jeweling with tape or varnish for boiling the barrels in distilled water. Hot blue dissolves solder, and the ribs will fall off!