
I know you will join me in prayer and good wishes for George Raymond who is in the hospitial here in Southern Califonia. I don't have any details as yet to the reason for his stay, however I will let everyone know when it becomes available.
I wish

...you a speedy recovery Mr.Raymond! Hope to see you back on the line real soon........... Jan
George is a fine fellow and an accomplished competitor. I am sorry to hear that he is in the hospital, and wish him a speedy recovery.

Get Well Soon!

I had the honor of sharing a bench with George at my first ever Benchrest match and I have enjoyed many conversations with him since that first weekend. George is truly an embassador for the sport! I hope he has a speedy recovery and is on the range again soon.

Ryan Harrison
George Raymond

George is in San Antonio Hospital in Upland. I talked to his son last Wednesday and he said George is expected to recover but re-hab will take some time. George suffered heart and stomach problems. His son said to wait a week to try and contact George. Anybody wanting contact info for George can contact me at 909 949-9921 after 6PM.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR