Hornady accuracy?



Hi all,
I have 2 standard weight .270 Win rifles and can get neither to handle the 130 gr. SST Hornady bullet. My rifles do great with 130 Sierra spitzer boat tails, always get 1/2 to 5/8 inch group size @ 100 yds. Also, Hornady 130 gr boat tail interlocks shoot good for me. Would like to know if others are having trouble getting the SST style bullet to group decently. I have used a lot of powders, seating depth and nothing seems to work. Maybe I simply have 2 rifles that just dont like them.
Isnt the SST an interlock with a plastic tip? Sierras always shoot a tighter group for me but I dont hunt deer size game with em. Have shot prarie dogs and coyotes with em though with good luck out of a swift.
look at bullet length and twist..the plastic tipped bullets are longer for thier weight. twist is bullet length..not weight.

mike in co
My 2 rifles are 10" twist. I dont have any of the old interlocks on hand, but I would bet they are shorter than the SST's. It is certainly possible that the SST is simply a "dressed up" interlock.
just checked a site with a formula for twist vs. bullet length and came up with this twist rate (11662855.5).
I input length 1.240
vel. 2900
constant 3.5
groove dia. .277
Anyhow, a 10 in. rate should be sufficient according to that particular formula.
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I have owned several 270s and tested almost every bullet I could get my hands on at the time. The 130 gr SSTs shot great for me. I seated them almost touching the lands which makes for a long cartridge with very little bullet bearing surface in the neck of the case. The Rem 700 long action has a very long magazine, 3.650 I think so I was able to use the long cartridges in the magazine. I used a maximum load of H4350. You may be right that your 2 rifles just don't like them. I ended up using other bullets that shot as well and did not need to be seated as long.
