For those of us who have not taken the plunge and obtained a one piece rest,you might consider making your own using the front rest you already have, mounting it on a board (approx 30x15), and making your own rear rest(or mount your sandbag..). Will attempt to attach a pix (haven't done this before)-- if it doesn't attach, will delete this thread 'til I learn how! In the pix, rear rest is made from a round pc. of delrin in hourglass shape,mounted in pc of alum channel and attached to a pc of 1/2 in. brass ,hinged at the front.Of course,it is not necessary to have an elev. adjust ment at the back since there is no lateral adjustment - it just seemed "cool"!You folks who make 1 pc. rests will like this because after someone does yhis, they will want a "real" one! Bob Vail (yes, it has been a long Winter)