Holton results



I am wondering how Holton treated everyone this weekend. Any results?

Matt Guthrie.
The range won at the Michigan State Group championship: everyone else simply survived

55 shooters. Varying range conditions.

LV 100:
Steve Robbins .1938
Ted Heindselman .2248
Larry Gage .2262

LV 200:
Pat Canning .3061
Joe Freeman .3062
Dan Groleau .3152

LV Grand:
Joe Freeman .2751
Pat Canning .2839
Geary Koglin .2850

HV 100:
Pat Canning .2202
Rob MacLennan .2512
Larry Feusse .2526

HV 200:
Jim Hutchison .2183
Greg Reed .2220
Steve Robbins .2226

HV Grand:
Jim Hutchison .2416
Joe Krupa .2543
Greg Reed .2633


Joe Krupa .2781
Dan Groleau .2836
Lowell Hottenstein .2838
Greg Reed .2868
Pat Canning .2874
Geary Koglin .3015
Lee Hachigian .3021
Kenny Hottenstein .3054
Joe Freeman .3074
DeWayne Wood .3115

As I said, the range won and a few of us were left standing.
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Thanks for the reply Joe. Congrats on a fine win. That can't be easy when you see a list of names like that right below yours. There is some real talent there.

Matt Guthrie
When the going gets tough ?

The tough go get ice cream ? uhh, the tough take a nice hot shower? umm, the tough sprinkle themselves with Adolph's meat tenderizer ? erraugh, The tough congregate at some distant rifle range in Central Michigan and attempt to defy "mother nature" !
Remember ,"what dosn't kill us only makes us wish we were dead".
Ay Caramba !
Congratulations to Joe "K" and the top 10
My first trip to Holton.
Started Friday. Go to Camp Perry. It's closed. The list on the CMP website was for the locksmith. Camp Perry started next, Monday.
3 hrs wasted. Could have been in Holton by lunch. :mad:
Get there in time, for the range to close. For flag setting. :mad:
Find out I am sharing a bench with Dominic Grunias. Very :)
Dom has new wind flags. :eek:
Sat. 0330 Severe T-Storm rolls through area. :eek:
Get back to range. See some familiar faces. :)
See Joe and Lee(I wonder. Is this, the same Lee, in the PS mag.????). Joe wants to set flags. Lee says your on your own(sorta). There is a little sprinkle.
0730-0800 somewhere there. Sunshine. Everyone happy.:)
Except Joe. :rolleyes:
Turned out to be a wonderful weekend. :D
Sunday was absolutely beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky. :)
Great trip.
Holton has to be the best Camp ground in MI. Oh, and it just happens to have a real nice gun range. :eek:
Wish I had a camper. :)

Oh, yea.
Good shooting Joe.
And everyone.

And the New Guy, would like to say. Thank you.
Too many nice people to name.
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