Holton Results May 10, 2008


We had our fist match yesterday, 8 shooters, the weather was sunny, light gusty winds, 40 degrees to 55 degrees. Shot one relay.

Jim Plencher Match Winner with agg 1998.70 agg + ponts 2030.70

High Targets
Terry Mahoney T1 2110 T3 2125
Bill Nienow T2 1825
Jim Plencher T4 2050

Thanks to Tim Longcore, Jim Plenchner & Terry Mahoney for scoring
Thanks Carl for pulling targets
Thanks to my wife Karen and Nenee for making lunch

See you in June

Don't forget the dual tournaments in August, should be a good time, and hopefully with a large turnout - lots of points to be at stake.

Nice shooting Terry, but I can't believe you let Jim beat you with only one target! Way to go Jim. Gary

As you can see I'm a little behind on these. Hope to see you at Hillsdale on the 1st