Holton Match Results July 19, 2008


We held our ARA match on Saturday, the 19th, we had 7 shooters including one junior, The winds were light but switchy, and we had both rain and sunshine.

T1 - Bill Wheeler 2,275
T2 - Bill Wheeler 2,275
T3 - Bill Wheeler 2.075
T4 - Mike Worthington 2,150

Bill Wheeler won the match with an agg of 2,137.50

I will be posting information about the two tourmanents, that will be held on the second Saturday and Sunday in August. I would like to get a feel for the amount of participants that will be shooting. Need to update kitchen help. We will be having a steak fry on Saturday night that is included in your registration fee and the cooks want to know how many steaks or chicken breasts they need to have on hand. We also will have a kitchen that will be serving breakfast and lunch both days.


Congradulations "Whillie"

It's about time you stomped everybody. Good shooting, good agg., just so glad to see you did so well. John-Linda.........