Holbrook Sportsmen's Club Outdoor Airgun Benchrest, This Sat Sept 8 th at 12:30 P.M.



Holbrook Sportsmen's Club
150 Quincy Street
Holbrook, MA
I will be running a .22 rimfire match on the right side using the concrete benches and will bring the 6 indoor benches outside for the airgun benchrest match. I have plenty of World targets and am trying to get 10 meter airgun targets to put at 75 yards if any one wants to shoot the Extream Benchrest Match format that AOA is going to shoot in Nov?

Let me know if you plan on attending so I can provide food and target holders?


Hay Paul How much shooting can I do if I make the trip ? Can I get in 3 25M and some 75yd. ? I have some 5 bull 10M pistol targets if I come . I can go East for BR or south for FT . Rick
Paul, I will be there with my new Marauder! I will shoot whatever everyone else is shooting. I would be glad to try the 75 yards if others want to!
Paul I can not make it over Sat. See you all down the rood . Rick
Hay Did you shoot at 75yd with air rifles ? I did some shooting at 71yd . All i can get with out cutting trees or digging . I was happy with the out come . Dawson with tight boor RF . 18 JSB 35 ft/lb 4 --5 shot groups .Biggest 1.25 in. 2 weer 1in with 4 shots under .750 and 1 with all 5 under .750 . all shots inside the 8 ring and only 1 barley touching the 7 ring .
Yes we did shoot at 76 yards had to use free standing frames as 75 yard frames were shot up and legs were 6 ft so was in back a yard.

Brad ran out off adj so used hold over. Franky and Brad used stock M-rods and with the 15-30 winds and fast approaching thunder storms didn't help. Mark did well with his 30 fpe gun. 16 of 20 were in the black. Two targets all were in the black. He used up his X's on the sighter target!! Not sure how Franky and Brad did as I was scoring the rimfire targets.

Mark's score at 76 yards
41,38,38,40 total 157 out of 200 He used up his X's on the sighter target.

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Wow! 76 Yards and counting. I'm kind of glad I had to miss that one as I would have been perplexed as to which to shoot - rimfire or airgun? Probably would have gone with the rimfire, then wished I had done otherwise. Oh well, see everybody next time around.

It was a mad dash to clean up the range before the thunder storm hit. Also moving the target frames and bracing them so the wind didn't blow them over at 76 yards.
Peter was going to shoot AG at 76 yards but headed off to Salem because of the Rain /thunder storm/tornado's in NY.
Will set up a .22 rapid for next month's match at 76 yards. And will put frames out at 25 meters and 75 yards before hand.
Did try out 75 yards last week and can put 6 B-40 targets on a 18X24 backer. No problem keeping in the black with my 12 fpe MPR but the wind was only 3-5 mph.

I shot a 24, 19, 23, and 34 for a total of 100 and no x's for the 76 yard shoot. I had a great time, looking forward to next month in and outdoor shoots!
Thanks again Paul for all your hard work!