Holbrook Results Feb.1 BIPM and USA Scoreline


New member
Holbrook Results 2/1/2014
Got to the range and several people working on the electrical for the new ventilation and heating.
Finally got power for the range lights and set up the range for the match.
Shot the first relay and have never see the mirage as bad. Could not make out the scoring rings at all.
Ended up with a 250 but low X count. Talking to every one else they all had the same condition.
Every one was using the first set of targets for the BIPM match except Dave Shattuck who shot them last month.
Results Class, Gun, Name, T-1,X,T-2, X,T-3, X, Total AGG, X
HV,SUMO.177,Dan Brown,250,15,250,17,250,23,750,55,BIMP
Dan Brown,248,10,248,10,247,13,743,33 testing barrels and pellets
LV,RAW.177, Mark Normandin,249,15,250,16,250,20,749.51, BIPM
HV, RAW.177, Mark Normandin,249,14,250,10,250,20,749,44
HV, THEOBEN.177, David Shattuck,249,13,247,7,248,11,744,31 testing pellets
David Shattuck,244,9,249,18,249,16,742,43 testing pellets
HV, RAW.177,Chris Sloane,247,16,246,15,247,8,740,39, BIPM
Chris Sloane,245,10,221,8,246,12,712,30 What happens when you leave the cleaning straw in? Target Two!!
Open,FX Royal.22 AL Joly,245,11,246,9,242,6,733,26 BIPM
HV,SUMO.177,Paul Bendix, 250,13,250,19,250,14,750,46, BIPM
HV,HW-100 .177, Bill Day, 242,10,238,11,243,8,723,29, BIPM
Thanks for all the help in range set-up and take down!
Mark for all the goodies and Bill Day for driving down from Maine 300 mile round trip.
Worked on trying to get a group going to the Nationals in AZ.

Hope Dan posts some pictures.
See you next month.
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Holbrook bnechrest

Paul, thanks for yesterday's match, cold but fun!!

Al, thanks for the recommendation to shoot without the shroud, added a couple of points per card!

See you next month!

Chris Sloan

As always, thank you for holding these matches, but I have to say, that mirage was definitely the pits, the worst I've ever seen in my 19 years of competing. And that includes when shooting in the dead of winter through the portholes of the Shooting Shack up on Pinnacle Mountain with the inside heat pouring out through them while crashing into the freezing cold. Now, that can get interesting in a hurry, that's for sure. But yesterday, there was just no relief all day long as that mirage was reluctant and continued over all six targets.

Yesterday's problem was: after moving the rest and acquiring the next target in the crosshairs you only had seconds before everything went fuzzy, and then only seconds more when it came back into focus before it turned back into haze shade of nothingness again sometimes moving the POA as much as 2 rings in any direction, or so it seemed. The trick was: not to shoot at the very first appearance as it was too soon and your gun needed to settle a little before pulling the trigger, but to wait for the reappearance being ready to fire a.s.a.p. shortly thereafter. Lots of fun! Lots of off-comments (Holy Crap) could be heard from time to time up and down the firing line.

And Dan, I loved your hat!!! Too bad noone got a picture of you sitting there in your hunter orange face mask get-up. Maybe it brought you luck, not that you needed any.

I look forward to our next match (for me it will be April) and just hope that by then you're back to your old self, plus that the Club has everything worked out, settled down, and up to where they want it as that way maybe we can enjoy Indoor shooting the way it's meant to be. Of course, maybe by then the range might be a little warmer, heat or not, as it will be April after all.

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Well done

Considering the conditions GREAT SCORES one and all.

750 46x Mr. Bendix, a fair start to the year wouldn’t you say :D

I hope you guys can get a squad up for Arizona, that would be interesting.

Well done.

Thanks Paul for holding the match. The mirage was definitely difficult. Strange thing was that right after a shot it cleared. I discovered if I blew hard along the barrel it would go away for a few seconds.
The new super stardestroyer regulator for the Sumo appears to work well.
Here are a few photos.









Oh good, there is a picture of you in your bright orange helmet! That, or a hood, along with a good set of mittens, was what it took to make it through the day, that's for sure.
Great Pictures

Great pictures Dan, If I may I'll "borrow" a couple of them for the BIPM website.

I discovered if I blew hard along the barrel it would go away for a few seconds.

Interesting, the rimfire guys tend to use a fan for blowing air over the scope/barrel. On the right occasions, maybe this would work for air rifles as well?.

Great pictures Dan, If I may I'll "borrow" a couple of them for the BIPM website.

Interesting, the rimfire guys tend to use a fan for blowing air over the scope/barrel. On the right occasions, maybe this would work for air rifles as well?.


The sad point both David and I both had our Rimfire battery cooling fans at the shoot. David's only a couple of feet away and mine in my truck plus my Mirage tubes!!!
Will try that Mon when I shoot some black and white new On-Target targets!

I suspect the guns were warmer than the ambient air and that was affecting visibility due to thermals.

Great pictures Dan, If I may I'll "borrow" a couple of them for the BIPM website.

Interesting, the rimfire guys tend to use a fan for blowing air over the scope/barrel. On the right occasions, maybe this would work for air rifles as well?.

The sad point both David and I both had our Rimfire battery cooling fans at the shoot. David's only a couple of feet away and mine in my truck plus my Mirage tubes!!!
Will try that Mon when I shoot some black and white new On-Target targets!


I have to admit, the last thing I would have thought of was a cooling fan in the middle of winter.

Just goes to show.

Hope appreciation does'nt get old.

Thanks again. I'm beginning to feel like I know you guys.
Good job, twisting Dan's arm, for the pics.

Per., the up-close pic of the TM 1000 (Mark's, I believe).

Is that one of your brass thimbles and a custom probe?

Thanks Paul


Apparently the Hospital stay and layoff from shooting works wonders for the scoring lol. Good job Paul and great shooting Dan. New shooter Chris is coming up fast! That is indeed one of DanB's brass thimbles and hollow probe on my TM1000, it's helped me get down to about 6 fps total spread per card over aprx, 40 shots. Looking forward to shooting with all next month.:cool:

Fan on rifle got rid of mirage tonight!!

Went to Holbrook tonight to shoot some target 36 On-Targets. Shot 4 cards one with H&N, one with JSB, another AA and CP-L when I shot the first target, same Mirage as durning the match! Dan was right blow on the barrel or tube and no Mirage! Went to my truck and brought the battery powered fan and placed it blowing on the barrel and air tube. No Mirage!!! Didn 't try the mirage tube because it was not the one for the T-36 scope! Will try the correct tube next time! After more than 2 hrs turned off the fan and no mirage!!
Filled the air tube just at the beginning and was warm.
Shot 116 shots and used less than 400 lbs gun is Chip Smith's SUMO with Dan's regulator and LW Super barrel with Med. Transfer port!

O2 Cool

Went to my truck and brought the battery powered fan and placed it blowing on the barrel and air tube. No Mirage!!!

Sounds crazy in the middle of winter, but I don’t doubt you.

I’ve been getting an “O2 Cool” fan which is the one I see in most of the pictures from the US, I’ll give it a try next time out.

Biggest problem I have, in cold conditions, especially with an air rifle as it takes me longer to load them, is breathing on the rear eyepiece and fogging it up. Maybe the fan will help with that as well.
