Holbrook results April 1 2017


New member
Mother Nature pulled an April Fools joke on us heavy sleet 30-50 mph winds and in places a foot of snow.
High winds cancelled the ferry so Stu didn't make it. Dave had a foot of snow. At Holbrook was just going to be rain and high winds. The heat in the range went out again but was in the low 30's. We had a lake in the range that didn't help. Another Great day shooting airguns.
Thanks for Robert for all the food and Chris and Mark for scoring.
Springer Class
Chris Sloan FWB-300 .177 240 2X, 246 4X, 239 4X, 725 10X
LV Class
Mark Marini Thomas .177 249 9X, 247 13X, 250 8X, 746 30X
Mark Marini Thomas .177 247 10X, 250 10X, 248 5X, 745 25X
Howard Williams Walther .177 224 7X, 239 7X, 245 6X, 708 20X
Howard Williams Walther .177 227 5X, 234 6X, 241 7X, 702 18X
HV Class
Chas Dicapua RAW TM-1000 .177 249 16X, 249 15X, 249 16X, 747 47X
Chas Dicapua RAW TM-1000 .177 248 8X, 248 16X, 250 15X, 746 39X
Chris Sloan RAW TM-1000 .177 246 6X, 241 7X, 247 8X, 734 21X
Robert Fisher RAW TM-1000 .177 242 5X, 239 4X, 244 10X, 725 19X
Robert Fisher RAW TM-1000 .177 231 3X, 240 3X, 237 5X, 708 11X
Frankie Monroe MRod testing pellets
Open Class
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 250 17X, 249 16X, 250 16X, 749 49X

Next shoot May 6.
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