Holbrook Results AGBR 02/07/o9


Paul Bendix

We had A good turn out for our second shoot. I want to welcome a new shooter Mitch Hill. Every one brought guns for Mitch to try. He ended up using my .22 Theoben that I put a new barrel on this week from David Slade. The good news my gun shot it's first 250! The bad news is Mitch shot it. Great shooting Mitch. Doug Shea also shot a 250.
Thanks to every one for showing up for the matches. I can't wait to shoot ouside.
Todd and Dan drove 460 + miles.
Thanks to David and Todd for scoring.
Hope to see you at the March 7 th shoot.
Mitch Hill first shoot first 250

Doug Shea 250 New self made stock

Todd Banks Self made stock

Len Sawyer with CRX

Holbrook Sportsman Club

3 Targets 02/07/09 Unlimited

Match1 Target 1
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Doug Shea 1 250 3 1 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Todd Banks 2 249 4 25 Theoben Factory Beemans
Dave Shattuck 3 248 8 5 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Paul Bendix 4 247 4 20 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Norm Lieber 5 247 2 5 HW 100 Factory JSB .177
Mitch Hill 6 246 3 2 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Dan Gibeault 7 244 3 10 Theoben Factory Beemans
Leonard Sawyer 8 239 2 1 Day State CRX Factory Crossman17
Match1 Target 2
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Paul Bendix 1 249 3 20 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Todd Banks 2 248 6 3 Theoben Factory Beemans
Mitch Hill 3 248 5 4 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Dan Gibeault 4 248 1 3 Theoben Factory Beemans
Dave Shattuck 5 246 2 5 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Leonard Sawyer 6 245 2 4 Day State CRX Factory Crossman17
Doug Shea 7 245 0 9 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Norm Lieber 8 241 1 3 HW 100 Factory JSB .177
Match1 Target 3
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Mitch Hill 1 250 4 1 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Paul Bendix 2 249 7 18 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Dan Gibeault 3 248 4 7 Theoben Factory Beemans
Dave Shattuck 4 248 4 5 Theoben Factory JSB .177
Doug Shea 5 248 2 19 Theoben Factory JSB.22
Todd Banks 6 246 4 11 Theoben Factory Beemans
Norm Lieber 7 243 5 1 HW 100 Factory JSB .177
Leonard Sawyer 8 238 1 1 Day State CRX Factory Crossman17
3 Targets Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Paul Bendix 1 745 14 247
Mitch Hill 2 744 12 246
Todd Banks 3 743 14 249
Doug Shea 4 743 5 250
Dave Shattuck 5 742 14 248
Dan Gibeault 6 740 8 244
Norm Lieber 7 731 8 247
Leonard Sawyer 8 722 5 239
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Congratulations Paul and Mitch! Paul, we all know how hard you've been working and how much money you've spent to get that rifle shooting. It's great to see it all pay off with not only a win, but a second place finish in the hands of someone who's never shot an AGBR match. Mitch did a great job. You guys should have seen his reaction when I told him that last target scored a 250! I only had to plug two bulls on his target, and both were obviously in without magnification. I'm happy for both you guys!:)

I had a great day, too. Dan paid for half the gas and tolls on the way out, Dave kept his word and paid my match fee (before I had a chance to talk him out of it. Thanks Dave!), and Paul was handing out full tins of the new JSB Exact Jumbo Heavies for everyone to try. They shot so good out of my Rapid, Dan and I both shot them in the match:D. Thanks also to Paul and Dave for letting me top off from their tanks. I promise I'll bring enough air next time:eek: Can't forget Doug, who's prototype mod. is making a BIG difference in how my gun shoots, compared to the AZ shroud.

If anyone in the NE is thinking about trying AGBR, you couldn't find a better place to go!

Please remember to also thank Dave for the donut holes or he will stop bringing them (not that I eat any...). Had a good time as usual and as you mentioned a lot of good shooting!
It's always good to get a few new faces in to shoot with so things don't get stale! See all you guys next month I hope!

Congratulations Doug and Mitch, a 250 is always a special thing!

Paul, it looks like you have finally got a gun that shoots, it's been a long road. Congrat's on the Agg win!

Think Spring.

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Great Scores guys. This airgun bench shooting can get in your blood quick. I can hardly wait for our season to open in March.
A fun time.

Thanks for another fun match and for staying late so I could play with my rimfire. I'm sticking with my mirage excuse for the indoor shoots but not to worry I have time to come up with a new excuse for the outdoor shoots:eek:
Hope to see everyone next time.


Congratulations on winning the day, and on finally getting your gun up to snuff! It was another great match and I think everyone had a good time as usual, even though some of us couldn't seem to keep up with those 250's.

Mitch, you did good! I can't imagine being able to shoot a 250 at my first match, or even placing second overall for that matter no matter how much shooting experience you've had. It's a new game to you, and you didn't even have to adjust ....even when shooting a borrowed gun

Doug, the new stock looks fantastic, no doubt about it, and your gun shot every bit as good as it looked.

Todd, Len, Dan and Norm it was great seeing you all again and hope to see you many more times over the course of the season. You all help to keep the competition at a feverish pace where no one better look back (or forward in some cases) over their shoulder or they'll be trumped.

And, don't worry Norm, I'll keep bringing along more doughnut holes if that's what it takes to keep this game going. (And I didn't eat too many either :D:D however many too many is?)

Unless it snows I for one will definitely be there on March 7th so, until then.

Thanks for all the encouragement

Thanks for coming to the matches at Holbrook. I enjoy running and shooting AGBR and now with a gun that works it's a lot more fun. Time to order a .177 barrel from David Slade. Good news I have two stakes for my garden.
I bought some steel to build a new bench for outdoors and plan to do at least two. so should have 8 cement topped benches for the outdoor shoots. Think Spring

What a day Saturday turned out to be... I'm speechless, I still am having trouble believing how that turned out... My heartfelt thanks to all you fellows that were there, it was great meeting you all and seeing all the guns. It was an awesome day and I'm overwhelmed by your hospitality, friendship, and what I learned there...

I wish there had been a bit more time, I'd love to have tried the BSA S10 Norm had there, and the FWB-300 really caught my eye. Todd and Dave's stocks have my gears turning, so much so that I ordered a second gun today to become my next project gun thinking about outdoor benchrest shooting in the spring. This one is an AA S400-ERB in .22 cal. with a Beach sporter stock, and my thoughts are once I get to know it a bit and how it shoots, the stock will be replaced with a benchrest type stock of some sort...

Edited to add: The S400-ERB turned out to be the newer Air Arms S400SL-FAC and boy, is it a nice rifle...

As you can see, I'm planning to come back...

Thanks again, it was great meeting you all...

Mitch Hill... :D
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