Holbrook Results 12/3/16


New member
Springer Class
Robert Fisher FWB300 Holbrook .177 228 3X, 226 2X, 233 2X, 687 7X
LV Class
Mark Marini Thomas Holbrook .177 247 7X, 248 7X, 247 10X, 742 24X
David Shattuck AA S-400 Holbrook .177 246 9X,249 10X, 246 7X, 741 26X
David Shattuck AA S-400 Holbrook .177 246 5X, 248 13X, 244 8X, 738 26X
Chris Sloan AA S-400 Holbrook .177 245 6X, 241 8X, 246 9X, 732 23X
HV Class
Mark Marini Thomas Holbrook .177 250 12X, 250 19X, 250 14X, 750 45X
Paul Bendix Thomas Holbrook .177 249 10X, 250 21X, 250 16X, 749 47X
Paul Bendix Thomas Holbrook .177 248 10X, 249 19X, 249 16X, 746 45X
Robert Fisher RAW TM Holbrook .177 226 1X, 228 2X, 229 3X, 683 6X
Open Class
Chris Sloan FX-400 Holbrook .22 234 2X, 243 6X, 241 2X, 718 10X

Winter is here! After the first three targets not one 250 was shot. We ran the range heater before the match and while scoring targets. By the second match Mark showed us how to shoot 250's with another 750!!!
Welcome a new shooter Robert Fisher that brought a bunch of goodies.
Next shoot Jan 7, 2017.
Thanks for all the help in set up and take down. Also with Mark and Chris for doing all the scoring.
Paul Bendix
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Is it the real Bobby Fisher?

Just kidding. Again sorry I missed the match this month. Great shooting again Mark. It seems the convection curse hit the LV shooters this time around ;) I'll do my best to be there next month. John Eroh
Thanks again Paul for running another fun match.
I know we all had a great time and are looking forward to next month's match.
Merry Christmas all, and may Santa fill your hearts with joy and your stocking with that winning Lot of pellets.

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